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Email Promos Are Not Getting Through To Clients

Facing A Fact: Our 3rd party email promos are not getting through due to the client’s email filters. 

Lessons to be learned:

-Even though this has been true for a while now, hearing it directly from a client makes it even more real. 

-We cannot rely on email promos as our single source of marketing.

-We can use the ‘clicked on’ info as even more valuable to see who is seeing our work. 

-Outdated promotion tactics have a place, but we have to stretch out and find less capacity ways to reach out.

Discussing The Pros And Cons Of Email Promos With Many Remote Clients

Email Promos are the way to go. 

Years ago we would diversify with mailer promos, but nowadays, it’s challenging with many remote clients. The unsuccessful percentage of clicks and opened emails may discourage us, but how many opportunities do we have for 100 or 1000 potential clients to view our work? I invest in email promos even as many don’t get opened; the ones that do can be priceless.

We are so excited about a recent successful email promotion. We sent out a lot of email promos using a list called the Bikinilist and received two immediate responses to bid on this photographer. While the numbers may not always be on their side, sending out a big list can really pay off.

Marketing Plans


I send quarterly newsletters, and some keep me on their radars, but at the same time, I always feel like I’m leaving something on the table by not directly engaging with whoever opens the email. What’s the best way to send that email? Do I go direct and say, “Hey, I noticed that you enjoyed my promo, so can we set up a meeting in the future to say hello?” Do we send a follow-up to put a face to the name? I don’t want to be weird and pushy because they know I want to work with them. This outreach is tough for me, and any advice would be great!


The mistake in our Marketing Plans is to think it’s over once we reach out. That is when engaging clients with our brand begins; we open the door, growing a state of ongoing continuous awareness. With that in mind, you find any sign of response from who clicked, following analytics to see which agency is looking at your site and who liked your IG to put yourself out there in a genuine human-to-human connection. Be yourself and take them to lunch, share your response on their IG Story and LinkedIn posts, and join them where they are. You are right; they know you want to work with them, so be the spam caller with whom you wouldn’t hang up on by keeping it real.

An Email Promo Mistake

#1 mistake with email promos is thinking clients will take the extra step to see more. 

Our human tendency is to rush to delete emails. It almost brings us joy to delete. Don’t fall into this trap by wasting the top of your email with space or your logo. Immediately show the goods, making your point even if it’s deleted without a scroll to see more.

Spam Filters


My consultant is helping me with emailers, although I notice they go unread due to spam filters at many agencies (confirmed by my direct outreach). Is there a preferred platform for an email list emailer? Something that allows for reading/open tracking that won’t get spam filtered?


Every client has a different email guarded system that we can’t control. Clients tend to move around from company to company so often that we must constantly revise our lists. The one solution I go for is to get as many approved emails and try to send them in a multitude of ways. I’ll do just an email for anyone to open and click. Next to IG, monitoring this system is the 2nd best way to be seen by the most people in one day. If we stay on this as regularly as possible, along with our IG engagement, we can cover a lot of ground, even if the results look insignificant.

Essential Marketing Tools


What are the essential marketing tools these days, and which past tools have become less relevant?


Marketing tools tend to come and go, but the KEY is to be the leader of the pack by instilling new ways or the return of the old ones. Printed promos and portfolios are on the out, but I’ve seen it happen before; someday soon, they will be back. My job as a rep has always been about expanding and cultivating new marketing routes to see what works. I jumped on Clubhouse initially but no longer saw the marketing benefits as strongly as doing my webinar and podcast to be showcased on my YouTube. If a marketing trend goes cold, the right question is, what is the new replacement I can do asap?

** Marketing tools chart available on downloads

Marketing Promo Types for Photographers

A promo type that will work for one client may not work for another; that is why I use all four of these methods to get my promos out.

Four Promo Types:

  1. Mass email promo showing an individual project or a specific theme with one or more images. 
  2. Mass newsletter email promos are a summary update sharing news with a collection of images. 
  3. One-Sheet promo is an attachment on a short email not needing to be scrolled, creating a warmer, more personable email.
  4. Printed mailers or leave-behinds with the hopes of being easily saved by clients come in many shapes and sizes designed to show off your work’s branded vibe.

As you may notice, I did not include a pdf attachment on my promo list as they can often be mistaken for dangerous spam materials when sent by strangers.

Where Do Creative Directors Look for New Talent?


Where do creative directors, art buyers etc. look for new talent? I would appreciate any advice I can get.


The business of photography depends on who sees our images; we have to find every potential method to put ourselves out there. Depending on the type of photographer you are, we have some really good options these days like Komyoon, Workbook, At-Edge, Blvd, Behance, PhotoPolitic, LeBook, Production Paradise, Found and Wonderful Machine. They all have a different vibe, go through them and see where you fit best. I suggest asking clients you want to work with where they look for new talent. After you give one of these a try, you can SEO your website and use Google Analytics to see where the traffic is coming in. It’s a timely process with no easy answer, but if you pay attention to your analytics, you can see what works for you.

Making the Most of an Agency Access Subscription


Any tips or tricks on making the most of an Agency Access subscription?


I would not rely on a single source for your contact list management. Agency Access can help and be a good resource if you also collect names of prime contacts in other ways like social media, LinkedIn, and jury/portfolio review event lists. Today’s marketing is multi-dimensional, with all of our combined resources working together. I use Agency Access as a research tool offering info on the masses with valuable insights like client email formats and the brands they cover.

Printed Promos vs Online Sources


So…printed promos being kinda a guessing game these days as most are working from home, are you finding LinkedIn being the go-to source to keep up with folks to market to? The list services have always been so hit/miss for emails and so many people have transitioned to new gigs. Just curious where and how folks are staying on top of their lists.


Divide your list into two parts – the mass list like on Agency Access (feels like a fishing net) and then the HOT clients you want to work with or who already know your name. The HOT list will need you to get a bit more creative in building relationships to stay in touch. This relationship-building marketing can be through interests you share, IG dm’s, commenting, and relating to people in ways that take your marketing to that next “human” level.