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Email Promos Getting Through Email Filters

Is there a suggestion on what else to do to get blocked email promos through clients’ email filters?

I don’t have the technical fix yet, but this is a numbers game for us. I send out quarterly promos knowing that most will not get seen, but if 20% get opened, that is still part of our MARKETING PLAN that has succeeded in one way: more eyes are on our work than if we didn’t send it out. I use the same theory on IG as it’s the marketing plan numbers game.

You Are Your Marketing Department and Business Owner

Big truth: REPS NEED MATERIAL. I always say, “Give me something to say and something to show.” 

Big Untruth: I’m a creative/artistic business owner, so I get the day off when I’m not on a paid job. 

You are your marketing department, whether you are repped or not, and just like any business owner, you must constantly feed the marketing of your business. Your growth is based on your new ideas, and this never stops! You are being hired for your ideas, and your idea-making skill-set must be seen constantly in your marketing. 

Email Promos Are Barely Working

Email promos are barely working, and I hate to give them up because I don’t know what else will work better. Please advise. 

Email promos may not match the exact success open rate you are going for, but we should continue sending them. We may get fewer clicks/hits/views on everything we do, but it’s still much more of a numbers game success than walking around with a portfolio in hand (which is also important to do). The marketing puzzle of what works to be seen is broad, so many potential parts require us to do them all.

The Best Way To Stay In Front Of Clients Is With ENGAGEMENT

The #1 way to stay in front of clients is free and available at our fingertips, and yet we tend to ignore half of what we need to do- ENGAGEMENT. Sorry, I know it’s time-consuming, but why spend time and money on other marketing resources and ignore the one tool most guaranteed to work? Be your-human-self with comments and views, actively connecting as a real person.

If I were asked what the most important tip for a photographer is, I’d say something you might not want to hear. You hear us, Ranee and me, talk about this all the time on AskSternRep and SternRep: engagement on Instagram. Instagram—give me a minute, please. I know it’s the one place where we’re almost 90% sure clients are active. Where else are they actively engaging? Nowhere. Emails? LinkedIn, maybe? But on Instagram, they’re definitely there.

However, it’s not enough to just show our work. We have to engage with them so we show up in their stories and feed. We have to be the active ones—that’s the key. I know it might not be what you want to hear, but it’s really, really true. Please don’t hate me for saying it!

Finding Your Strengths And Weakness In Your Marketing Plan

As business owners, we must get our Marketing Plan in place to direct all the potential areas we should spend our time and budget on. Know all available options for crystal clear analysis of what is working, what to try, and what needs our attention. You are a business, so have a plan.

We hear a lot about marketing budgets, and yes, they’re important, but even more crucial is having a marketing plan. That plan needs to adapt, shift, and constantly change with the times. The one constant truth about our business is that it’s always evolving, so we have to stay on top of that. I suggest checking in with your marketing efforts about four times a year or so.

Look at what you’re learning from your Google Analytics, SEO, and methods for getting email promos out there—it’s really challenging. Consider the effectiveness of sites like LinkedIn and Instagram, and whether you’re engaging and connecting with people. All of these aspects are part of your marketing plan.

Also, know what you are best at. Is it presenting to clients one-on-one in person, or is it sending them a printed portfolio? Whatever your strength is, master it, and then make sure to analyze and refine all the other parts of your marketing plan. Stay proactive and keep evolving your strategies.

What Is The Quick Trick To Marketing Ourselves?

What is the trick to Marketing? Quick answer: Relationships. 

How to do this: Try everything, see what sticks, but only base some of your future marketing on what you learned in the past. I know this is tricky; we must try it all, keep experimenting, and DO NOT LIMIT OURSELVES only to what has worked in the past.

We all know how important marketing is in our business—it’s everything. Yet, there is no set plan for it; there is no absolute, definite “this must happen.” Of course, your website needs to be correct and up-to-date, but marketing as a whole has to be more experimental. I see it as throwing spaghetti against a wall and seeing what sticks. However, we can’t rely on just one approach over time; we have to continuously try new things.

Marketing is heavily based on relationships. I often get calls from clients I didn’t even know would remember my name, but we had a nice connection a year ago or even three years ago. When you get yourself on a list, clients remember you and want to stay in touch. The more we put ourselves out there, the better. We need to try everything, see what sticks, and not solely rely on what’s worked before. Do more of what works, but also explore every possible avenue to connect with clients.

Following Up With Potential Clients Who Open Your Newsletter


How do I follow up with someone who appears to have opened my newsletter repeatedly, but I don’t have any relationship with them, and their agency doesn’t appear to do work that aligns with mine? This makes it hard even to know what to send as a follow-up. It’s hard to know how to open the conversation without the incredibly creepy “I see you’ve been opening my newsletter a lot this week.”



Our long-term marketing efforts are the goal, as we know how creatives move around rapidly from one client to another. While you have the correct landing info for the ones who open your promos – USE IT! Get on LinkedIn, Instagram, or their personal website, or email them and connect so you can take advantage of this rare (and expensive) opportunity. 

The Key To Getting More Out of Your MARKETING

The key to getting more out of your MARKETING is to constantly add new work to your portfolio. Give your marketing plan what it needs to get you where you want to go!

How Do I Market Myself As A High-Profile Photographer?

I want to brand myself as a high-profile portrait photographer. How and where can I market myself? Who would be my major potential client? How should I reach them?

As with all industries in the commercial world, the path to success is somewhat similar. Educate yourself about other high-profile portrait photographers and analyze their clients and marketing methods. Research everywhere their work can be found and what tools they are utilizing. 

Who To Connect With When Approaching A Big Ad Agency


When approaching a big ad agency, who should I connect with? I usually hit up a mid-level art director, but should I be approaching producers? I tend to send expensive DM pieces, so I can’t ship to everyone!


The decision-makers at big ad agencies include the Creative Director, Art Director, and Producers. All three are involved with different roles, but the AD usually chooses which photographer will be the “recommend” to the client for the final decision. My method is to contact all of them and see who responds, giving me better odds of a more personalized, well-received marketing piece.