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The Best Way To Stay In Front Of Clients Is With ENGAGEMENT

The #1 way to stay in front of clients is free and available at our fingertips, and yet we tend to ignore half of what we need to do- ENGAGEMENT. Sorry, I know it’s time-consuming, but why spend time and money on other marketing resources and ignore the one tool most guaranteed to work? Be your-human-self with comments and views, actively connecting as a real person.

Finding Your Strengths And Weakness In Your Marketing Plan

As business owners, we must get our Marketing Plan in place to direct all the potential areas we should spend our time and budget on. Know all available options for crystal clear analysis of what is working, what to try, and what needs our attention. You are a business, so have a plan.

What Is The Quick Trick To Marketing Ourselves?

What is the trick to Marketing? Quick answer: Relationships. 

How to do this: Try everything, see what sticks, but only base some of your future marketing on what you learned in the past. I know this is tricky; we must try it all, keep experimenting, and DO NOT LIMIT OURSELVES only to what has worked in the past.

Following Up With Potential Clients Who Open Your Newsletter


How do I follow up with someone who appears to have opened my newsletter repeatedly, but I don’t have any relationship with them, and their agency doesn’t appear to do work that aligns with mine? This makes it hard even to know what to send as a follow-up. It’s hard to know how to open the conversation without the incredibly creepy “I see you’ve been opening my newsletter a lot this week.”



Our long-term marketing efforts are the goal, as we know how creatives move around rapidly from one client to another. While you have the correct landing info for the ones who open your promos – USE IT! Get on LinkedIn, Instagram, or their personal website, or email them and connect so you can take advantage of this rare (and expensive) opportunity. 

The Key To Getting More Out of Your MARKETING

The key to getting more out of your MARKETING is to constantly add new work to your portfolio. Give your marketing plan what it needs to get you where you want to go!

How Do I Market Myself As A High-Profile Photographer?

I want to brand myself as a high-profile portrait photographer. How and where can I market myself? Who would be my major potential client? How should I reach them?

As with all industries in the commercial world, the path to success is somewhat similar. Educate yourself about other high-profile portrait photographers and analyze their clients and marketing methods. Research everywhere their work can be found and what tools they are utilizing. 

Who To Connect With When Approaching A Big Ad Agency


When approaching a big ad agency, who should I connect with? I usually hit up a mid-level art director, but should I be approaching producers? I tend to send expensive DM pieces, so I can’t ship to everyone!


The decision-makers at big ad agencies include the Creative Director, Art Director, and Producers. All three are involved with different roles, but the AD usually chooses which photographer will be the “recommend” to the client for the final decision. My method is to contact all of them and see who responds, giving me better odds of a more personalized, well-received marketing piece.

I Need a Fresh Start In My Marketing And Attitude


I need a fresh start in my marketing and attitude, as I had a rough year last year (business-wise), which affected the rest of my life. How do I bring a fresh approach to my business this year?


Accepting GROWTH as our new day-to-day format energizes our business decisions, keeping us on track for the long run. This freshness has to be the regular constant ingredient to what we do because the Advertising Industry is built on change. Find all the spots you may be holding yourself back with dated routines and structure experimentation/testing/new ideas as the new norm.

Will It Help To Lower Prices To Bring In More Clients?


How do I get hired as I am just starting with my photo business? Will it help if I lower my prices to bring in more clients?


Newer up-and-coming photographers can be more flexible to help build their portfolios. The flexibility of giving more of your time, post work, and more options like video can help get you started. Still, be mindful of the long-term by not lowering the value of your image usage licensing rate.