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The Importance Of Treatments

I would like to hear about the importance of treatments. What is a treatment? 

Do photographers create their own treatment? What needs to go into it and what should it look like?

A great treatment is one of 3 keys the photographer needs to get the job:

1. The Portfolio 

2. Creative Call

3. The Treatment

A treatment is a pdf full of all the info to show the creative how the photographer will approach the job. It will include samples of images, locations, talent, wardrobe, etc. 

Yes, photographers create their own treatment, and I have to say it’s like getting their teeth pulled. They are not writers and normally their portfolio speaks for them. This takes a sales type of “showing off” that photographers are uncomfortable with in general. 

It needs to look slick and put together because the creative will read this to know what the photographer is bringing to the project, how they work, how they see this job, and how well they can deliver a packaged expression of their work. 

Should I Always Submit A Treatment With My Bid?


Should I always submit a Treatment with my bid?


Yes! It’s the way of our world now, where it used to only be for commercial directors. Even if they don’t ask for one, I highly recommend always creating a treatment if you want to get the job. You can always hire treatment creators listed on our Pros for Hire on

Other Artists’ Work in Your Treatments


I discussed with other photographers whether putting other artists’ work in your treatments is acceptable. I’d love to know your perspective on this. Also, if you do, how should it be said that it’s not your work?


The treatment goal is to sell yourself through a fast-read, clear, concise artistic format. Categories and sections, like “Sample Locations,” “Prop Examples,” or “Wardrobe Styles,” are clearly general public images. Any blurry unclear info will get in your way and could be marked as a RED FLAG for a client. Even when it makes sense for the treatment message to show another photographer’s work, the quick read of a client could make this more of a problem vs. a solution.

The Purpose of the Creative Call


Do you think the purpose of the Creative Call is to give a verbal and preliminary treatment to clients before the actual treatment?


Yes, the creative call is when we introduce our verbal treatment, noticing the back and forth reactions sparked by the hot topics clients want to discuss. We use this call to monitor how the 2-way conversation flows, giving us a more concise roadmap to our treatment.

The Final Stage of The Treatment

The final stage of the treatment is where I find it easy to add in spots, sneaking in and dropping descriptive adjectives to modify our point wherever we can use an adjective to ‘bring it home.’

Example to show AUTHENTICITY:

“We will be using natural light to bring about the real-life/pure/true/convincing feeling that these are actual people and not models.”

Bring the Client’s Branding Into the Treatment


When you say to bring the client’s branding into the treatment, do you mean their overall visual language/aesthetic or their actual branding like their logo etc?


Your treatment is all about having the client feel like you “get them.” You are what they’ve been looking for to bring their idea to life! Use every way you can to translate this; it is your opportunity to speak their language with their logo in the titles, and their colors styled aesthetically throughout.

Bring the Client’s Branding into Your Bidding

Bring the client’s BRANDING into your bidding approach as much as possible. Do your research, ask the questions, as the ultimate purpose of receiving the job is to achieve your client’s branding goals.

When we’re in the process of getting a job, there’s a lot of times where we can focus on the branding for the client. We need to make sure a lot of what we are working around is their branding because that is what’s most important to them. Do your research to find out what their brand is. Check out their website. If they don’t make it clear what the feeling/color/ tone is then ask about it and make sure you mention it in your treatment. Because that’s what they want to hear. They want to know that you’re a part of it. You’re not just a part of this one shoot, you’re part of their long term vision.

Don’t Settle With Your Treatments

The TREATMENT webinar gives us the story behind the words and visuals needed to get us the job and why we need to take this seriously. Templates need a slice of who we are in them, personalized to stand out, illuminating you are the right choice for the project. Don’t settle with your treatments; take them further; use what is revealed in this webinar to make your template YOURS!

What Goes into an Impactful TREATMENT that Gets the Job? // Navigating the Unknown Episode 16

Navigating the Unknown Episode 16 – What Goes into an Impactful TREATMENT that Gets the Job? is now live on YouTube! This week we speak to Treatment Writer Scott Rickels and Artist Rep Mary Dail from Big Leo Productions about how to create a cogent treatment. 


Scott Rickels – Treatment Writer

Mary Dail – Artis Rep, Big Leo Productions

Navigating the Unknown is a Q&A series in collaboration with APA-LA where we speak to different members of the photo community about all aspects of the commercial photography business.

With Co-Host: Photographer Hugh Kretschmer

Treatment Final Edit Checklist

Treatment Final Edit Checklist:

  1. SPELLING and GRAMMAR mistakes are more damaging than you may think. 
  2. Use every opportunity to use SPECIFIC words/concepts relating to this client and project in particular. 
  3. Consistency of the organized structure through similar placement, layouts, titles, fonts, etc., to make it easy for them to follow.

Treatments are so important. When you are bidding for a job, you should always do one. Even if you think it’s too small of a job or the client doesn’t need it. Always do a treatment. There are three things to watch out for. The first is spelling and grammar. We know it seems little, but it really stands out if you have mistakes on your treatment. You’re a director, your attention to detail is important. The second is to be specific. You’re probably working off of a template. Make sure that the general lines that describe who you are and how you shoot always include the specifics on that job. That client is wanting to hear how you will shoot their job and not just how you shoot in general. The last one is consistency. Your style and how you set up the content in your treatment should always be consistent. Don’t jump around, make sure the treatment reads smoothly. You’re giving them something that can help you get the job. Remember that. Put time into this.