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Do You Turn Jobs Away Because of Low Budgets?

Do you have to turn jobs away because of low budgets, or do you make it work? If you photographers are in a slow period, does that make you more open to taking on these jobs?

I do have to turn jobs away regularly because of low budgets. 

My checklist to consider these lower-budget projects:

  1. Can this lead to future larger-paying jobs with this client or others?
  2. Is this a paid test that will benefit my photographer’s portfolio?
  3. Will the usage rights be controlled to match the budget?
  4. Would this be a regularly reoccurring client where fees add up as a regular gig?
  5. Does adding the client name to your client list help?
  6. Is there any chance of the low budget restricting the job quality, and if so, this is a definite NO WAY. 

Will It Help To Lower Prices To Bring In More Clients?


How do I get hired as I am just starting with my photo business? Will it help if I lower my prices to bring in more clients?


Newer up-and-coming photographers can be more flexible to help build their portfolios. The flexibility of giving more of your time, post work, and more options like video can help get you started. Still, be mindful of the long-term by not lowering the value of your image usage licensing rate. 

Learn More About the Budget Before Making Your Estimate


It’s wild how many bidding requests we get from random clients that don’t even pertain to us. We must find out the budget before we waste our time. Even though that is the exact info clients usually refuse to give us, we have to push through by asking if their budget is between certain amounts. That type of “yes/no” question usually sparks a client to respond if it’s over what they have available to spend. Give it a try.

Do not waste your time doing estimates you don’t need to do. Photographers should avoid wasting time on estimates and calculations for clients who may not have the budget for their services. Instead, photographers should ask for a budget range upfront, so they can quickly determine if the client’s budget aligns with their own rates. By doing this, photographers can avoid spending time on clients who cannot afford their services and focus on those who can. Self-employed photographers need to be mindful of their time and avoid wasting it on unproductive activities.

Reaching Out To Clients To Create Their Content


I reach out to clients with my ideas to create their content, but they often interpret this as non-paid free work. How do I offer my concepts as a business offer instead of a free-be?


Two ways to handle this:

  1. Include pricing (or a pricing range) in your request to put it on the table without potential confusion. 
  2. Go for the clients who always pay for content instead of those using unpaid images.

Connecting With A Client Is The Best Sales Pitch

The BEST SALES PITCH I can recommend is to humanize what we call “sales” by listening. So simple and yet the most powerful way to negotiate, stay in front of clients, or sell ourselves. Take the first hello moment on a Zoom call, notice something about them, and ask a question. Connect by listening to get your foot in the doors. 

The best sales pitch is to humanize the clients and be real, honest, and listen to them. Humanizing the clients means to understand them, empathize with them, and treat them as individuals, not just as potential customers. Being real and honest means to not make false promises or exaggerate the product’s capabilities. Listening to the clients is crucial as people want to be heard and understood. It doesn’t take very long to notice something about them and ask them a question, which can help build a rapport and establish a relationship. The best sales pitch is to recommend the product or service that meets the client’s needs and wants, not just to sell something for the sake of making a sale. The key is to build trust and credibility with the clients, which can lead to long-term relationships and referrals.

How Should Photographers Handle Job Date “Holds”


How should we handle job date “holds” when we prefer to get the higher-paying or more interesting offer when holding those dates for someone else?


I am careful how I respond to job date holds. Instead of quickly saying “yes,” I’ll say, “As of right now, they are available on those dates.” Once a 2nd hold is ready to officially book you for the project, you can CHALLENGE the 1st hold to get hired on another job. It is a sensitive topic that needs clear communication before choosing one client over another.

Should I Thank a Client For a Job With a Gift?


Should I thank a client for a job with a gift?


Most clients do not expect a thank-you gift as the work itself is what they are looking for. Some corporations do not allow gifts as it can be unethical from a legal standpoint. Ask clients if you can send them something and get their instructions. In my rep opinion, the best business gift has a warm personal slant that keeps you in front of them, with a friendly reminder keeping you on their mind. 

Initiating Contact With New Clients


There are so many new clients I want to work with, but I’m not sure how to initiate contact with them. Do you have any tips on getting in with new potential clients?


Our industry offers a mixed bag of ways to connect with clients, from SEO to Instagram engagement and everything in the middle. My question back to you is, what are you good at? Can you take a client to lunch or enjoy an in-person (maybe Zoom) meeting? Sell yourself by completing the steps that sell you the best. Have new images – put them out in an email promo – cross-pollinate!

Bidding Prices Should Include Time Spent Working With The Client

Bidding Prices should incorporate the real cost of the time-consuming back-and-forth process because your business time = money. Just as we charge for the equipment you own, the same goes for managing your time.

Value your time in the bidding process. Part of the bid that is often overlooked is the time spent negotiating with clients and managing their expectations. While this time may not be explicitly spelled out in the bid, it is important to factor it into the overall cost of the project. We recommend adding this time to the creative fee, prep days, or production fee to ensure that it is covered. By doing so, we ensure that we are compensated for the time spent on client management, which can be a significant portion of the project. Ultimately, the goal is to have a bid that accurately reflects the time and effort required for the project, including the time spent managing the client.

Producer vs. Photographer


I’m a freelance photographer who recently took an in-house photo producer job because my area’s industry has been slow, and I need a steady income to get back on my feet. Did I just set my photo career back by taking a temporary in-house producer job? In the future, will clients hire me as a freelance photographer again after they may see me as a producer?


The plain and simple answer across the board is dependent on your branding, which is dependent on two sticking points:

  • Will you be branding yourself correctly for clients to consider you when looking for a photographer?
  • Will your photo portfolio be strong enough to impress clients?