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Wednesday Wisdoms

What Is The Quick Trick To Marketing Ourselves?

What is the trick to Marketing? Quick answer: Relationships. 

How to do this: Try everything, see what sticks, but only base some of your future marketing on what you learned in the past. I know this is tricky; we must try it all, keep experimenting, and DO NOT LIMIT OURSELVES only to what has worked in the past.

When Things Are Difficult, Find a Solution

When things are difficult, find a way through. Throwing your hands in the air or collapsing in frustration, these things do not move you forward. Pause, collect yourself and then take an action to move forward. 

Fact-Checking Clients To Better Improve Our Bidding

Bidding on a job requires fact-checking client answers. Often they are slow to come in or don’t get responded to. What do we do? Try a new way – make your questions form a cohesive list to be answered by attention-getting dashes, bullet points, or (my fave) numbers.

1. Understood?

This is YOUR Business, You Are Not Just An Artist

This is YOUR business. Do you have insurance? Are you tracking expenses and income? Do you have a business license? You are not just an artist anymore, you are a business owner, so take control and handle all necessary details.

Asking Clients Why You Didn’t Get The Job Is a Valuable Resource

Learning why we DID NOT get the job can be the most value-packed free resource, and I’m surprised by how available it is to us if we ask. With a bit of timely follow-through, we could potentially receive the clear strategic feedback every business needs.

Test With Purpose

  1. Who is the client you are targeting?
  2. What is the feeling/vibe you want to achieve?
  3. What is the message you are relaying in this project? 
  4. How are you using styling, lighting, talent, and the right environment to target your desired audience? 

When Things Are Challenging In Your Business

When things are challenging, find a way through. Giving up during difficult or slow times means you are only involved in half of your business. When it’s not easy, take a moment to dig deeper to know where you want to go and if any shifts are needed. Be wise and make critical decisions out of proactive action instead of reactive inclinations.

How To Show Clients They Can Trust Us

Clients need to trust us if we want to create open and honest communication. One way to keep it honest is to change the bidding categories they requested on the 1st revision instead of adjusting other costs/conditions they may not notice.

Be Your Own Career’s Director

You are the director, so be your own career’s director. Success requires leadership, ownership, and the ability to direct and take charge of your creative business path. 

Use The Creative Call To Close The Deal And Get The Job

Take that Creative Call as the opportunity to close the deal and get the job. Show up as you would in any conversation. Be present and respond by sharing your opinions/thoughts/ideas/excitement throughout the call. They are wondering who you are, and this is your opportunity to give them a sense of who you would be on set. 

The creative call is a crucial part of the process for getting a job in the commercial advertising industry. While the treatment, bidding, and portfolio are important, the creative call is when the potential client wants to interact with the photographer and see what kind of person they will be on the shoot. During the call, it is important to listen carefully to the shot list and other details, but also to be ready to jump in and express ideas or technical knowledge. Sharing personal experiences or perspectives on camera angles, fashion, coloring, lighting, and other aspects of the shoot can demonstrate creativity, passion, and professionalism. The creative call is an opportunity to showcase who the candidate will be on set and how they can contribute to the success of the project.