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How Photographers Handle Filming Video On Shoots

How do photographers handle filming video on shoots?

I’m just so used to just focusing on shooting photography on a set. Just stills, no video. My assistant usually shoots BTS videos on shoots, but that’s it. Are we supposed to hire someone to shoot video separately, and charge for it?

As the agent, I’m going to answer this from the perspective of getting you the most bang for your buck. Many shoots do need you to be the overall DIRECTOR.

1. Be ready, technically speaking, to fulfill most potential job scenarios that come your way.

2. Choose the method (hire a DP, be the DP yourself, or focus on being the still photographer on motion sets) that delivers the highest quality of results in your specialized market.

3. Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold back your professional growth. Make sure to capitalize on pushing yourself to bring out the highest quality skill set you can muster!

Using Time Off For Your Creative Endeavors

Time off means giving good-faith ideas/mindsets right back to yourself and your creative endeavors! 

Take time during the holiday season to reflect on your career and creative aspirations. We should be giving, not just to others, but also to oneself by nurturing one’s creative instincts and ambitions. Embrace the holiday spirit and allow it to inspire a renewed sense of confidence, trust, and faith in their professional journeys. By taking moments to reconnect with your creativity and aspirations, you can harness this downtime to foster ideas and ignite your passion for your career.

Recommendations For Sites To Progress Photography Business

I was wondering if you have any recommendations for sites that discuss the specifics of progressing your photography business?

In my opinion, there is no better website than aPhotoEditor. It contains all the insider information you will need to progress your business.

Everything Is Changing In The Photography Industry

The question we are all dealing with is, WHAT’S GOING ON RIGHT NOW? Everything is changing, leaving us to question the status of our careers. 

1. Accept that it is changing; thus, we must adapt.

2. Images are even more “Lofi” – imperfect production quality matching the social media realness.

3. What are you good at, and what can you bring to this situation?

4. Clients are getting more for their money and paying less.

5. Your role may need to fulfill other categories, and you can charge for those – like stylist, creative, storyboarding, pre-production, post-production, etc.

6. Keep yourself as fresh with testing as possible- be as NOW as ever!

A Rep’s Process To On-Board A New Photographer

What is your process after you’ve on-boarded a new photographer? After discussing where the photographer wants to go and where their work would be a great fit, what is your strategy in regards to marketing? What is a rep’s game plan?

“Marketing Outreach” is a big topic; I could write a few pages! The overall strategy depends on what stage they are at in their career. Here is a started checklist:

  • Website portfolio revision and clean-up stage
  • Dream client list creation
  • Testing needed for long-term roadmap clarity
  • Spruce up and revamp all portfolio and listing sites like Behance, LinkedIn, IG, etc.
  • Get the word out (big topic)
  • Create the schedule for who does what and when

Commercial Jobs Going To Another Photographer

I’ve had a couple of commercial jobs go to “another photographer” recently with the further suggestion that they would like to work with me in the future. I’m curious if it’s common practice to inquire as to how the client made their decision. Something like,  “I would love more information in your decision-making process to better shape my offering.” Is there a good way to do this, or do I thank them for the opportunity and that I would also love to work with them later?

We all want honest client feedback, but the truth is, it’s almost impossible to get. I tend to get the real story when I know them personally, and it’s a one-on-one discussion instead of an email. You can ask, but unfortunately, I see it as a more general nicety that will not be taken seriously on their end. The best way I know to handle this is to find out who did get the job. You then look at their site to make a comparison. See what they focus on, their overall streamlined style, and what we can learn from this comparison.

Too Old To Start A Commercial Photography Career

I have a question and be brutally honest. Is 45-years old too old to start a commercial photography career?

NO! In contrast to popular opinion, our industry is not ageist. Clients don’t even know our ages until the creative call Zoom. The deeper answer is that clients seek young-minded, fresh imagery to match their goal of catching their youthful audience’s attention. You can do that at any age if you can explore new ideas instead of getting stuck on old styles.

Photographers of All Ages Must Embrace Continuous Reinvention for Career Success

As a photographer’s career progresses they must continue to reinvent themselves. A photographer must explore and grow to show what they can bring to the job. This is a young-person’s career unless photographers of every age commit to staying hungry for fresh inspiration and new ways to communicate their vision.