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DMing a Company on IG


I did some spec work, shared it on Instagram, and tagged the company. They then messaged me and said that they loved the work and then sent me a link with their TOC, asking for full usage in perpetuity. This has happened 3x already. I don’t seem to be getting anywhere by saying, “I would love to chat about licensing and future work.” Any advice?


When we DM a company on IG, we must be aware that we are dealing with social media employees responding with automatic scripted terms, not knowing about copyright ownership or usage rights. The real pursuit is to find the people at these companies who do know our business. It takes digging around to find the right contact, so it’s a time zapper, but worth it for the suitable companies for your images.

Networking Options


What are the best networking options these days?


Photographers have to create their own networking as it’s on a more individual basis instead of group events. Directly contacting clients is much more acceptable than it used to be; it’s even more expected these days. Get yourself out there with all the social media platforms and zoom portfolio reviews. See what interests people, notice what they said on a webinar or their LinkedIn post, use all of this as a more human approach to doing one-on-one connective networking.

Wanna Break the Ice Fast?

So simple sometimes. Wanna break the ice fast? Be really kind and nice and complimentary but mean it.

Clients + Social Media


I am always a bit unsure about protocol when it comes to following clients on social media. A client I worked for just posts personal images but his profile is public. Is it invading his privacy to engage or would it be a good move to drop my name by liking pictures?


In today’s world I think clients expect us to follow their IG. It actually amazes me how easy it is to communicate with clients who were hard to reach before. I see FB as the more personal one. Follow them on IG and engage, engage, engage!

Printed Promos During Covid


How do you feel about print promos right now? With many people working outside the office, it seems unlikely they will actually see them now.


Mailing printed promos would be a waste of your money right now since our clients are not in their offices. I use printed promos as leave-behinds at showings as well, since those aren’t happening I’d suggest not printing anything right now. Use your marketing budget on email promos and ways of engaging on Instagram.

Local Photographers


I was living in Brooklyn when all of this hit. Now I’m considering leaving the city and going upstate or to the suburbs. Do you feel that would hurt my work opportunities? I’ve heard a few talks saying that life and business will slow. Would you find living in NYC proper to still be as important as it was before?


It’s hard to know this answer for sure, but I am hearing the word “local” come up often nowadays. More local photographers will be used because of travel restrictions. A suburb of NYC is not far, and even if you go upstate, the main goal is for you to stay actively present with fresh work alongside a regular marketing presence.

If Someone Wants to Showcase Your Work


If someone is claiming to want to showcase you as an artist & you feel you are not ready, what is the best professional response to decline without ruining your chances for a future showcase?


If someone wants to showcase your work, go for it! You would not usually be asked if you’re not ready. Worse case scenario: It will be a learning opportunity. You will discover what works and what doesn’t, and can make adjustments in the future.

Curate Your Relationships

 Curate your relationships. 

Of course this is true for our personal lives, but also for our careers. 

Know where people are from and what they enjoy. 

Relate to people as our connections are the best public relations. 

Even if you have a rep, do this for yourself as your relationships are a part of your brand.

What Would it Take?


What would it take to get you to rep me?


It would take a powerful and compelling body of work that displays a unique, but marketable, style that brands would be willing to pay for. It also comes down to personality for me, I need to trust and enjoy the daily interactions of working with a photographer and have a compatible style of communication.

Following Agencies


If agencies are “following” you, what, if anything, would you recommend doing?


If agencies are following you on Instagram – be proactive and engage them. Follow that hot lead and make the most of it by engaging them on social media, contact them on LinkedIn, and get them on your promo list. Use them ‘following’ you as a way to get your foot in the door!!