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Monday Q+A

Agency Access And Spamming Promos

What are your thoughts on Agency Access? I feel like spamming with promos doesn’t do much for my business these days. 

We use what we have, but we cannot depend solely on doing any ‘one thing.’ Agency Access is not perfect so I also use Bikini List.  The best way to do this is to try everything and keep trying everything.

Keeping My Portfolio Updated Using Minimal Resources

How do I spend my time (and money) wisely to not waste time keeping my portfolio updated to get me where I want to go?

Testing is the strategic core to success, but it requires you to play it smart:

  • When planning your test, have a client type in mind—the more specific, the better
  • Put the time in to identify who does what and who the potential clients
  • What are those clients presently doing with their marketing
  • Dedicate the time for research and consistent follow-up through our marketing outreach platforms
  • Your test and the potential client must match up to stay on course with your website/IG/image branding

Recommendations For Sites To Progress Photography Business

I was wondering if you have any recommendations for sites that discuss the specifics of progressing your photography business?

In my opinion, there is no better website than aPhotoEditor. It contains all the insider information you will need to progress your business.

Using Others’ Images In A Creative Treatment

How do you feel about using others’ images in a creative treatment? If used, should it be called out? I’ve always only ever used my own work, but I have heard that it’s very common for photographers to use any work that supports their creative vision for the project to be more like a director’s treatment.

Using other artists’ images in your treatment may be misleading that they are yours. I suggest putting those images in a section labeled “inspiration” to avoid confusing the situation. Certain treatment production topics are expected to have others’ images, such as Props, Wardrobe, Locations, etc.

What Are Some Things To Avoid When Cold Emailing?

What are some things to avoid when cold emailing?

The most important part of a cold email is to avoid sounding cold. I try to be in the moment to write as I speak, keeping it as “not staged” as possible. 

  • Sound human
  • Avoid unnecessary words = short and to the point
  • Add a touch of human flair

At What Bid Price Do You Include A Treatment?

At what bid price do you include a treatment, and when do you decide the production is too small to require a treatment? I have a cut-off in my head, but I’m a grumpy old-timer.

When you are up for a job that you want based on financials, opening the door, or creative exploration, you put your time into an awesome treatment. If it’s a low-budget, one-time situation, you can create a PDF of the appropriate images without writing a detailed production plan for every category. Either way, using an A+ design that stays strong with your branding is key.

The Rising Importance Of Content for Photographers And Clients

When you talk about the rising importance of “content,” are you referring to the necessity for photographers to post more and better content, the necessity for clients to produce more content and hence hire photographers more often, or both?

When I refer to the importance of content, I am talking about both: photographers need to create more content, as do clients. We must constantly create and post content in today’s business world to make our work findable. Years ago, the marketing process was more challenging to show our work to clients, so this could actually be a win/win if we accepted it and joined the content party.

Email Promos Getting Through Email Filters

Is there a suggestion on what else to do to get blocked email promos through clients’ email filters?

I don’t have the technical fix yet, but this is a numbers game for us. I send out quarterly promos knowing that most will not get seen, but if 20% get opened, that is still part of our MARKETING PLAN that has succeeded in one way: more eyes are on our work than if we didn’t send it out. I use the same theory on IG as it’s the marketing plan numbers game.

How Crucial Are Portfolio Viewings?

I often hear portfolio viewings are crucial, yet I’ve never seen any locally or within driving distance. Should I consider traveling to a larger area such as NYC to have this done?

Yes, a one-on-one or group showing with your portfolio is extremely valuable. I’d highly recommend these for photographers at any stage of their career. Bring them some chocolate!

Penalty Fee For Usage Infraction

You mentioned the idea of a “Penalty Fee,” and I’ve never priced this before. I price usage fees, so how does that change for a penalty fee when a client has used my images without paying for them?

Fees in our industry are in constant flux, and there is no one standard across the board. I get creative, and as I am not sure this is the same standard for other reps, a “Penalty Fee” has worked well for me. Clients don’t want to use our images illegally; I find they are unaware of this and want to fix the problem. I price this as a one-charge double rate of the original fee.