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Monday Q+A

How Photographers Handle Filming Video On Shoots

How do photographers handle filming video on shoots?

I’m just so used to just focusing on shooting photography on a set. Just stills, no video. My assistant usually shoots BTS videos on shoots, but that’s it. Are we supposed to hire someone to shoot video separately, and charge for it?

As the agent, I’m going to answer this from the perspective of getting you the most bang for your buck. Many shoots do need you to be the overall DIRECTOR.

1. Be ready, technically speaking, to fulfill most potential job scenarios that come your way.

2. Choose the method (hire a DP, be the DP yourself, or focus on being the still photographer on motion sets) that delivers the highest quality of results in your specialized market.

3. Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold back your professional growth. Make sure to capitalize on pushing yourself to bring out the highest quality skill set you can muster!

Starting Out In The Business And Lower Paying Jobs

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Since I’m just starting out in the business, should I price myself a bit lower and work my way up? Can I get away with a smaller budget and get the same results?

Normally, newer photographers can take on lower-paying jobs to help build their portfolios. Right now, you may be competing for these lower-paying jobs with more established photographers, but if you’re willing to offer additional services like extra time, post-work, video, etc., you’ll have a better chance of getting the job. Ultimately, the client wants to be reassured that you can handle the project, so make sure to reassure them and be flexible with budgets.

What To Charge For a GIF

Any thoughts on what to charge just for a GIF?

Specific negotiation topics to consider when pricing a GIF:

  • It’s not a free extra, as a GIF is a highly valuable commodity.
  • Image count, which forms the basis of our fee structure, must be considered for the stream of multiple images.
  • Be specific with usage, as a GIF is a series of images used together and may not be priced the same as individual images.
  • Clarify which size of video or motion usage is included for quality performance.

Hold Protocol For Photographers

What do you do for your photographers when you have a second or third hold on a job trying to confirm, but the money is better on the one unconfirmed? What is the hold protocol? We haven’t heard much from others about how to handle holds, etc. Thanks Andrea!

 I always use honesty for holding photographer’s dates by letting the clients know when we have others also asking about those same dates. A good general way to respond is, “As of right now I, am available those dates.” You also have the ability to encourage the client with the better budget to move quickly by letting them know you have a second hold and that someone else wants to officially book you.

Charging For Every Additional Shot Taken vs. A Grouping Of Images

Is it standard to charge for every additional shot taken rather than a grouping of images? I’m trying to avoid wasting time with the “just shoot these extra options” and clients not selecting those images.

Clients will ask for and take as many images as we let them, and I don’t blame them for that. It’s their job. We must clarify by setting financial restrictions on our estimate before we get on set. When bidding, my first question is how many images are needed, and then I set up the estimate precisely around that. When I hear “library” of images, meaning as many as can be finished per-day, I set the fees higher for those shoot days.

Is It Appropriate To Send A Thank You Gift To An Agency?

 Is it appropriate to send a thank-you gift to an agency that hired me to shoot a campaign?

This is a tricky one, as some agencies are fine with receiving a thank-you gift while others are not. I recommend asking them first, or even better, asking someone else at the agency you know, so you can still surprise your contact. Either way, it’s best to ask first, unless it’s something inexpensive like a basket of treats. A handwritten thank-you card is also a great way to show sincere appreciation. 

Make Portfolio Showings Happen

You mention portfolio shows often, but I’m not sure how to set them up or make them happen. I know some companies offer them, but I’ve also heard stories of them being a waste of money, with no jobs coming from them and not being taken seriously by the viewers. Any advice?

Portfolio showings are one of the few marketing options that put us in the driver’s seat. It’s difficult to grab a client’s attention, but if we have 10 minutes of their focused time, it’s invaluable. The key is to choose the right potential clients. How many portfolio showings actually feature the right clients for us? That’s the real question.

Implement Your Personal Style When Your Work Is Art-Directed By Clients

How can a photographer implement their personal style and vision throughout their work when the majority of their work has been art-directed by their client for various and specific styles?

This could be the million-dollar question that makes or breaks a photographer’s success. As busy as a photographer is, the images will always reflect a client’s vision of jobs from the past. So much of what clients want to see is what you can bring to the job for the future. The magical word is “Test.” Keep testing, no matter how busy you are. Bring your personal look into images and show who you are. 

Small Town Photography Budgets

I’m a Photographer in a small town, and I know I’m not charging enough. I don’t know how to charge more or reach bigger clients. I’m asking very low rates ($200 for half-day shoots and $400 for month-long progress images), but I’m still getting asked to lower my rate by people who want to work with me. How do I reach out to bigger clients, and how do I know what I should charge? Is there a simple formula or standard rates?

We all wish there were a simple or standard formula for our rates. I can personally tell you that fee budget calculations don’t always make sense to equal out proportionally with the project. I’ve heard some photographers use stock image sites to see what they charge per usage, but we don’t have an overall chart for this. Based on the fees in your area, can you ask others what they are charging? My approach is how I know the average budget clients are spending, and then I speak on a human one-on-one level with a client to understand how high they can go within their budget. It is a numbers game where I try for more and use the usage terms for negotiation.

How Do You Make Initial Contact With Potential Clients?

How do you make initial contact with potential clients? Do you go straight for the phone or warm up through email? What do you talk about in that first conversation?

This is the million-dollar question that has no definitive answer! Every person selling has a different method and every success story has different factors—sometimes simply good timing. Personally, I say never use the phone. I find phone calls intrusive since they require an immediate response at the caller’s chosen time. The best sales method, whether through email or conversation, is to follow the golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”