Photographers wanting to bring in clients with larger budgets must ask where low-budget clients find you. Where are you putting yourself that gets noticed, and how to reach out further? Marketing is not something we do one time, spend our marketing budget, and sit back and wait. It has to be this ongoing trial of new ways, new unproven avenues of networking exploration changing over time to bring in an assortment of mixed-budget clientele.
Some photographers are being offered lower usage and creative fees than their day rates by their repeat clients. If photographers want higher rates, they should focus on attracting clients who value their work and are willing to pay a premium for it. The importance of marketing oneself across all platforms to attract a diverse range of clients with varying budgets. We also receive requests for lower amounts than we find acceptable, but we also receive larger requests, indicating a mix of clientele. The key takeaway is that photographers should focus on marketing themselves to attract clients who value their work and are willing to pay a fair price for it.