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Instagram as a Marketing Tool


How do you feel about using Instagram Stories as a marketing tool?


Insta Stores are EVERYTHING. It’s a new way to market yourself that is available to everyone and completely free. According to research, on average 80% of users ‘Forward Tap’ through Instagram Stories rather than ‘Exit,’ proving how effective they can be.

Instagram Profiles


Should you create two instagram profiles? One for portraits and the other for products? Or combine both into one profile?


If you have two separate businesses and websites this would make sense. But assuming you don’t, the best way to sell yourself is to have one strong cohesive style that is evident in everything you shoot. Two separate profiles will lower the quality of your work and create the appearance of two separate brands.

Join the Instagram Party

The change in our marketing these days is massive. In the past we had a clear route with less options. 


The #1 mandatory way in now is to stay fresh and join the Instagram party. 

This is no longer an option.


Instagram! Get your work out there in the world. More and more often producers are being tasked with finding undiscovered talent. You’ll see that some of the biggest brands are shooting campaigns with photographers that were discovered via Instagram, many of whom have never shot an ad campaign. 

Guest Post: Executive Producer, Rebecca O’Neill

This tells me so much about our market right now. It’s fresh and raw. We have to stay young thinking. Don’t think like an experienced photographer, think young, new thoughts and new ways. That’s what clients want right now. They want what’s hot, what’s new, what’s next. You don’t have to have a big client list to get jobs. That’s a great opportunity. Once again it’s Instagram.

Insta Stories

Insta Stories: Marketing with a twist of becoming human. 

For the first time we have an opportunity for what I call wall-less and door-less marketing where we get seen. 

I didn’t want to do any public speaking with this business. But I was asked to come to classes and do panels and I was a moderator years and years ago for the APA. I was scared at first and thought I couldn’t do public speaking, I got too nervous. But I realized it was for my business, and I had to do it. I was scared to death, I would have prefered not to. But certain things came naturally to me that I didn;t know I had the ability to do. You push yourself. Find that stuff that needs to just happen.

Instagram Ratios



Post primarily professional content: Finished work, behind the scenes, videos of you at work, etc. Images should be… 70% professional at least – 30% personal. But instagram for photographers, really needs to be PRIMARILY professional content. It is a living, breathing portfolio and should be aligned with all of your other branding. 

Right now instagram should look like your portfolio. Any personal stuff, such as behind-the-scenes, should be posted in your insta stories and your posts have to be your portfolio. It’s the new portfolio so treat it that way.

Quality vs Quantity


I was always taught that quality over quantity was best for showcasing work. It seems that the current trend is on quantity. What is more important to a client? Should I focus on producing a large amount of content or fewer, more powerful images?


The question really depends on who your clients are. Most companies gravitate towards the Instagram look, but that shouldn’t mean you have to compromise on quality. Learn to adjust your style so you’re more nimble and able to shoot more by simplifying your shooting process. Content is key right now.

Be Proactive on Instagram

Be proactive on Instagram: Follow clients + potential clients. Like their posts. Write comments. Be aggressively friendly + keep in touch with people. Got a new art producer contact? Follow the company…and then follow the individual. Build personal relationships. Instagram is an amazing + free way to stay in front of your clients + show them what’s happening in your world.

Be Proactive On Instagram

Be proactive on instagram: follow clients + potential clients. Like their posts. Write comments. Be aggressively friendly + keep in touch w/ people. Got a new art producer contact? Follow the company…and then follow the individual. Build personal relationships. Instagram is an amazing + free way to stay in front of your clients + show them what’s happening in your world. 

When I started repping there was no Instagram, obviously. Now you’re all on it, so you know what it’s all about. This is such an opportunity today and it’s so much easier to connect with people than it used to me. We find clients that are correct for our photographers and connect with them on Instagram and it really works! We end up bidding with them. These people can be almost impossible to reach by normal means. We probably couldn’t call them or email them. This is how you can reach clients.



POST CONSISTENTLY. Post consistently. Post consistently. Did I say post consistently yet?

Post consistently.