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Make The Most Of Those Shower Ideas

“Everyone who has ever taken a shower has had an idea. It’s the person who gets our of the shower, dries off, and does something about it that makes a difference.”

-Nolan Bushnell, Atari

Using Time Off For Your Creative Endeavors

Time off means giving good-faith ideas/mindsets right back to yourself and your creative endeavors! 

Take time during the holiday season to reflect on your career and creative aspirations. We should be giving, not just to others, but also to oneself by nurturing one’s creative instincts and ambitions. Embrace the holiday spirit and allow it to inspire a renewed sense of confidence, trust, and faith in their professional journeys. By taking moments to reconnect with your creativity and aspirations, you can harness this downtime to foster ideas and ignite your passion for your career.

Let’s Be Thankful For What is Working And Use It

Do you want to take your career to the next level?

What naturally gets you going, invigorates you, and stirs the creative juices? Let’s be thankful for what is working and USE IT to build off of those particular motivators.

Let’s have som gratitude as we enter the holiday season, particularly Thanksgiving. This time of reflection is crucial for those in the fast-paced and ever-evolving industry. Take a step back and identify the elements in your professional lives that are working well. By creating a “positive checklist,” we can focus on what is effective, fulfilling, and aligned with our goals. The message is clear: rather than getting overwhelmed by the rapid changes and challenges of the industry, we should embrace gratitude and use it as a tool for growth and direction. Take some time off to contemplate and redirect our efforts toward what truly resonates with our aspirations, allowing us to shift, grow, and thrive in our professional journeys.

Recommendations For Sites To Progress Photography Business

I was wondering if you have any recommendations for sites that discuss the specifics of progressing your photography business?

In my opinion, there is no better website than aPhotoEditor. It contains all the insider information you will need to progress your business.

The Rising Importance Of Content for Photographers And Clients

When you talk about the rising importance of “content,” are you referring to the necessity for photographers to post more and better content, the necessity for clients to produce more content and hence hire photographers more often, or both?

When I refer to the importance of content, I am talking about both: photographers need to create more content, as do clients. We must constantly create and post content in today’s business world to make our work findable. Years ago, the marketing process was more challenging to show our work to clients, so this could actually be a win/win if we accepted it and joined the content party.

Staying On Brand While Constantly Reinventing Ourselves

Wait, so on one hand, we’re supposed to stick to shooting what we love rather than trying to chase trends, but on the other hand, we have to keep reinventing ourselves?

I know this is a tricky situation that all photographers face to stay fresh in our business. Reinventing means growth, and that growth happens within your own style. Some ways to do this include diversifying the look of the talent, adding props, changing up the location, etc. Expand to constantly push yourself while staying within the cohesive feeling of your portfolio. 

Turning Failure into Success

Every failure is a golden opportunity to improve. Lost a job to someone else? Use it as inspiration to work harder.

When Things Are Challenging In Your Business

When things are challenging, find a way through. Giving up during difficult or slow times means you are only involved in half of your business. When it’s not easy, take a moment to dig deeper to know where you want to go and if any shifts are needed. Be wise and make critical decisions out of proactive action instead of reactive inclinations.

I Need a Fresh Start In My Marketing And Attitude


I need a fresh start in my marketing and attitude, as I had a rough year last year (business-wise), which affected the rest of my life. How do I bring a fresh approach to my business this year?


Accepting GROWTH as our new day-to-day format energizes our business decisions, keeping us on track for the long run. This freshness has to be the regular constant ingredient to what we do because the Advertising Industry is built on change. Find all the spots you may be holding yourself back with dated routines and structure experimentation/testing/new ideas as the new norm.

My Assignment For You

My Assignment For You:

Take a holiday. Notice how it feels to STOP carrying the everyday subliminal undercurrent of freelancing. Take a break. 

The holiday season is a good time to take a break from running your own business and relax. Even though January 1st is rapidly approaching, it is important to take a break and let yourself be recharged. Set a goal for the holiday season, such as cleaning off your desk and organizing your office, but only if you have the time for it. The main focus should be on taking a break and enjoying the holiday season. This will help you to come back in January with full energy and inspiration.