On a creative call make sure to wait after you speak, hearing the creatives’ response.
The purpose is not only to get your questions answered or get your message across, but also to connect. It’s not a show, it’s a conversation.
You speak and then they may have a response, so allow for that as the connection may be more important than what you are saying.
On these creative calls, as I listen to all the photographers, I always think about what I can learn and what they can learn from the discussion. I actually wrote some notes on this and want to read them because I don’t want to forget anything. Don’t rush and talk so much that they can’t respond to each point. Every point you make is important, and it’s equally important to hear how they respond.
Who knows what they might say? Hopefully, they like what you’re saying, but their responses can help you understand more and guide your perspective on the project. Hearing their responses is exactly what you need, so make sure to slow down and not rush as you talk. Allow space for them to answer.