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Recognizable Art

October 6, 2021

Just like companies cannot make money off of photographer’s art without their permission, the same goes for any recognizable art that we may not even realize has copyright ownership. I was on a call discussing casting, and we were warned against using talent with tattoos because we would need permission from the artist. Recognizable public artwork on buildings or bodies without usage agreements has caused legal problems that we don’t want to get entangled with.

There’s something you need to be careful about that you might not know. I was on a call about a job, and they discussed an important issue to be extremely aware of: graffiti, tattoos, and wall art of any kind. As an artist, you have policies for your own images, and so do other artists. It’s not easy to find these artists to pay them or get an agreement from them, so be very cautious.

You might be able to alter these elements in your retouching and post-work to make them non-recognizable, but beware—there could be legal issues and potential costs if you don’t handle this correctly. It could become problematic, so stay aware of this.