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Poetry to My Rep Ears

August 5, 2020

It was poetry to my rep ears when I heard the words this client responded with on my photographer’s creative call – 

“I hear the emotion you want to bring to this, and I hear your energy for this concept.” 

Finally, the words that embody exactly what we need to achieve on these calls.

Creative calls have been a hot topic for everyone wanting to know what makes a good creative call. I’ve never been able to nail down the words as well as I did the other day on a call when I heard a creative discuss the energy and emotion they bring. In our business, as photographers, you need to bring the same passion that got you into this career to these calls. Be yourself, and convey the energy you will bring. Show them the concept and make it come to life. As Neff said, “That baby will be brought to life by you because you get it.” There’s only one way to demonstrate that understanding: through how you present yourself on the call. Words alone won’t do it—it’s about how you sound and how you convey your vision. Prepare for the call by finding the right words and expressing your understanding clearly. Show them what it will look like and how you will bring it to life.