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Notice the Difference Between the Personal and the Business

April 15, 2020

As understandable as it is that we are all seriously freaked out right now, we must keep our business hats on and rise to the occasion. 

Don’t forget to notice the difference between the personal and the business. 

The time is now to distinguish what parts of us are running the show.

There’s a lot of change going on, and it affects our business. We have to be careful not to let personal reactions or stress take over our business mindset. Our business needs to remain separate and focused, without being derailed by personal issues.

We have an opportunity right now to understand and adapt to what clients need because they’re also experiencing changes. For instance, I spoke with a client this morning who noted that their meetings are now virtual via Zoom, which means they need more visual images to showcase their products. Previously, they used to bring their products to meetings. This shift might be something smaller clients need to address depending on the type of work we do.

On the other hand, I talked to a larger client yesterday who is still bidding for jobs as if they will happen in June and July. Each client has a different approach, so we need to stay attuned to what they’re going through. This requires clarity and motivation, and we can’t let current stress diminish our focus.

Remember, our business is always about change—whether we’re freelancers, photographers, or creatives of any kind. It’s about adapting and moving forward. Keep your head in the game, remember your purpose, and continue to do what you do best.