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Follow Your Mood

October 2, 2019

On a workday with time to do what you want, go with the tasks that you are in the mood for. 

I write in the mornings because that is when words flow for me. 

Follow your mood and go with it to get the best results.

Just because you’re not on a shoot today—or any other day—doesn’t mean you’re not working. It’s still a workday, so make the most of it. I remember when I started repping in 1800—just kidding, of course! David Zeitz, a photographer who became a rep and then returned to photography (check him out at, taught me so much. I’d go over to his place, and he’d show me what being a rep was all about. I learned from his routine, and we discussed how even on a non-shoot day, there’s plenty to do.

He advised me to clean my desk, build my contact list—basically, to utilize all the time I have. He was so right. He also told me to pay attention to how I was feeling; if I was a bit cranky and didn’t feel like being social or making calls, I should do something else that day. So, remember, you’re still working—use your time wisely.