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Find Your Own Definition of “Marketing”

August 21, 2019

The biggest misconception about “Marketing,” is that other people’s marketing needs to be your marketing. 

You will do even better if you find your own definition of “Marketing.”

I get asked a lot about marketing—what’s the right approach, whether I’m using the right marketing plan. My answer is that there’s no one-size-fits-all marketing plan. What works for others doesn’t have to work for you. I’ve worked with many photographers, and each one is unique with their own personality, which is what they should showcase. Don’t mimic others unless it truly feels right for you.

In my own marketing, I remember once going to an agency with a blended mocha from Coffee Bean. It was interesting how something so simple made a huge impact and opened doors for me. I’ve known that person since then, and that experience stood out to me because connecting in that way worked. I’m a connector by nature, and I’ve used that approach successfully for years. So, find your own style of marketing and figure out what works best for you.