Every Bid
November 3, 2021Every bid inquiry requires its own fine-tuned strategy + gameplan.
The question is, which response will align with the client’s goals to get us the job while clearing up any potential usage terms that don’t protect you. We usually have to think quickly and make fast decisions following our instincts. Sometimes it’s in our best interest to wait for the details to be ironed out after the creative call. Strengthening our position first can allow us to make the changes we ultimately need to make.
When we are asked to bid on a job, especially client-direct jobs, they often request usage terms that we may disagree with, such as copyright issues or work-for-hire clauses that restrict us from showing the images. These terms often need education because, unlike ad agencies, client-direct clients may not fully understand what they’re asking for.
What I like to do is take a strategic approach: I first suggest having a creative call where we sell them on our ideas using catchphrases that will make them think, “This is the person we must work with.” During this call, we showcase the images and have the producer on the call to really hook them. Only after this is it time to negotiate the usage terms.
Assess whether you need to address these terms upfront before you bid on the job or wait until after the creative call to use the opportunity to get them hooked.