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Elevator Pitch

February 24, 2021

Have a genuine work-related story (elevator pitch) ready to go for an awkward portfolio showing or a zoom meeting when you need something to share about yourself. 

Be prepared with a few tidbits that won’t sound like “sales.” but more like you share a story of an experience you had that shows how you like to work.

I know you might not consider yourself a salesperson if you’re listening to this and you’re more of a creative person, but in the business of creativity, having sales pitches or elevator pitches is essential. You need to have a few ready that can clearly express who you are and how your experiences on a shoot make you valuable. Know your client—who they work with and what scenarios might come up for them. For example, if you recently traveled somewhere and it’s relevant to their needs, mention it. Have a few examples ready to show how you’ve handled situations during shoots based on past experiences. These small, personable details can be very impactful.

Be prepared with key points for any situation, especially if there’s an awkward silence or limited time. Think about what you would say to this person and what you want from them. Whether it’s arranging a lunch, scheduling a meeting, or discussing an idea you have, have your approach ready to go.