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Don’t Settle With Your Treatments

April 28, 2021

The TREATMENT webinar gives us the story behind the words and visuals needed to get us the job and why we need to take this seriously. Templates need a slice of who we are in them, personalized to stand out, illuminating you are the right choice for the project. Don’t settle with your treatments; take them further; use what is revealed in this webinar to make your template YOURS!

Last week, my webinar was on treatments—the one unspoken big mystery of how to create a treatment, why to do it, and what’s needed to get the job. We covered a lot, but there were several key points that stood out to me that I want to highlight.

We had two guests: Scott Rickels, a treatment writer, and Mary Dail, a good friend of mine and rep at Big Leo Productions. Mary created a fictitious layout for us as an example of a treatment. Her design included the scope of the job, which I’d never thought to include in a treatment before—it was very smart. She also added a small copyright notice in the bottom left corner, not too large but useful for protecting against unauthorized use for comps. Her design effectively replicated the feel of the fictitious client we were targeting, making it a perfect example of a treatment.

Scott Rickles addressed a common concern: What if they don’t read the treatment? He pointed out that the words have to be engaging and not just a page after page of text, which can be intimidating. He emphasized that the real goal of the treatment is to add personality and flavor to what you bring to the job technically.

There were so many nuggets of wisdom shared. To fully understand the purpose of a treatment and how to use it to get the job, I recommend checking out the webinar.