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April 8, 2020

This is a time in our life and careers we will never forget. 

If you want to know what to do right now, it is all about you. 

This is your time to check-in, to sort through what changes need to happen to become your best. Look at the ideas and interests you did not have the time for. Go with it and take inventory. 

Be the creative artist that you are, and plug into your work zone no matter what the condition of our industry is right now. 

Ask yourself the questions that will help guide you to whatever ideas or decisions need your attention. Create the head space to listen to your answers. 

The time to enhance and propel your business is right now as clients are open to your ideas. 

Dive in to your overall plan and Busta Move*. 

*implementation of unexpected strategy (80’s slang)

I’m noticing that this period of quietness or downtime is actually a pause in our lives and businesses. However, it’s not a complete standstill. There’s a buzz among photographers who are forward thinkers and are coming to life during this time. This is something I’ve always encouraged as a rep: to bring out the best in my photographers and help them be the biggest they can be.

It makes me happy to see people using this time to discover what they might be missing, what they need more of, and what wasn’t okay in their lives but went unnoticed because of their routines. Everyone is unique, and finding your own way to bring to life what you need for long-term success is crucial. This is the time to do that.