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Coming Back Now to “Normal”

June 2, 2021

How do we come back now to “normal” life after this wild lockdown experience even BETTER than before?

If anything, this paused time gives us the wake-up call of what needs a revamp, a boost, an upgrade. What can we do differently now?

I’m noticing what is working well for me, where I thrive; the other stuff is no longer adequate. Use your natural momentum and run with what DOES work for you!

I have a question for you: How can we come back stronger as everything gets started again and things are moving forward? How can we come back better and higher than before? What are some strategies we can use?

One thing I’m doing is staying active and visible. I’m putting myself out there through various channels—whether it’s Clubhouse, Instagram Live, Instagram Stories, Facebook groups, or webinars. Engaging in these activities gives me an energetic, positive feeling, and doing this video feels right and energizing. Find what makes you feel energetic and incorporate that into your routine.

Another strategy is talking to people. I find that checking in with others and brainstorming about the business can generate new ideas for both parties. This exchange of ideas can be really beneficial.

Additionally, put yourself in a position to objectively evaluate how others are performing. Compare your work to that of others who are active in the industry. You can ask producers or potential clients who they are working with, or consult reps. Look at Instagram Stories and see who’s working and why. Assess why others are succeeding and how they reach the level you aspire to.

Do your research and education to understand your industry better. Look at your work from a business perspective rather than a personal one.

So, what’s your answer? How will you come back stronger, higher, and better? Share your thoughts!