Online Portfolio Q&A
September 14, 2020

As portfolio reviews shift online rather than in person, do you have any guidelines as to how best show our work? Is it a curated website gallery? A shared PDF? How best to display our work over Zoom etc?
What do our clients need right now? Think about it beforehand and have your topics ready to show and discuss. Give them your solution ideas because you are a valuable team player for them. Relate to who they are and what they work on. This is our opportunity to really have their attention vs. portfolio showings in the past which sometimes became about the food and their time to socialize. Prepare, research, and then have a pdf of relatable images ready, but ask if they want to see the pdf of relatable images ready, but ask if they want to see the pdf OR your website. I personally find websites more helpful when I’m on the reviewer’s side. I want to know you and get the whole picture. The only rule I have is to show clients the images that relate to what they look for.