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Marketing Misconception

January 18, 2023

A Marketing Misconception is to think of self-promotion material as needing to be new unseen work. Not true. 

Self-promotion means utilizing your branded portfolio style to catch the attention of YOUR client market. 

A marketing misconception that could be hindering us is the idea that we can only showcase new, recently shot, unseen images. That’s not true. Self-promotion is about utilizing the branded style of our portfolio to catch the attention of our target market.

So, how do we present images we’ve already shown? Consider introducing a new theme, category, or reframing the existing group of images. Perhaps you present them in a more editorial, artistic, or personal context than before. For example, you could organize them by seasons like summer or fall/winter to show old images in a new way.

Find a way to reframe what you’re showcasing because the goal of our marketing is to encourage clients to dive deeply into our existing portfolio—whether on our website or Instagram feed. Utilize what we already have to get them to explore further.