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Hard to Navigate Website


What makes a photographer’s site hard to navigate?


Sites can be hard to navigate for a few reasons. Sometimes the actual menu options are hard to find because the sit template tries to get too artsy. Or sometimes you can only view images one at a time (no thumbnail view option). 


We’re often trying to image search or curate a page of the photographer’s imagery, so being able to move through the site quickly is important. 


I do appreciate seeing their creative touch beyond just their imagery – so a cool landing page, or some nice touch to the formatting is good. But generally, it should still be easy to navigate. 

Guest Post: Art Producer, Lindsay Mason

Seeking Representation


What if a photographer seeking a representative isn’t an American citizen? Could it be a problem if you are not a native English speaker?


A rep is just like a client, and what we care for mostly is a strong portfolio/website/Instagram.

Test Shoots for New Photographers


For photographers “just starting out,” what are some test shoots every photographer should have in their portfolio? Liquid? Automotive? Lifestyle?


Photographers starting out should choose the area that really interests them. Do the tests that really intrigue you when you see others. One way to do that is to go through other photographer’s websites to check out all the different industry options.

Digital Rights Only


What is the difference between “digital rights only” and web or social media usage?


“Digital rights” covers all digital usage. “Website and social media” only covers usage for social media or on their website. Digital rights covers ads on any digital platform. One important point to remember is when they ask for “website usage,” write that company’s website in your terms. There is a big difference if you don’t put it in as their website.

How a Rep Guides a Photographers Career


What is your process after you’ve on-boarded a new photographer? After discussing where the photographer wants to go and where their work would be a great fit, what is your strategy in regards to marketing? What is a rep’s game-plan?


This is a big question and I could probably write pages! The overall marketing strategy for a photographer really depends on what stage they are at in their career. Some need to revise their website while others need to print a mailer promo. The game plan often begins by figuring out who their potential clients would be (based on the categories in their portfolio) and then emailing all potential clients a “hello” + a link to their work. We create specialized client lists based on what category we are targeting, and I also like to give the photographer a list of 10 “hot” clients to email directly every month. We structure their entire marketing plan which includes social media, portfolio meetings with clients, and upcoming tests.

Watermarking Images on a Website


Should photographers watermark images on their website?


Photographers should not watermark their images on their website. It ruins the experience of seeing the image.

Advice for a Photographer Seeking Representation


What’s the best advice you can give a photographer who is seeking representation?


Best advice to find a rep is to email the reps that interest you. All we want to do is check out your website. If you know people in the business you can ask around and get the word out there that you are looking.

Finding New Photographers


How do you find new photographers? Specific websites?


Guest Post, Mara Serdans: I get lots of emails and promos from photographers. Otherwise, I find new photographers on Instagram, at portfolio reviews, blogs, magazines and at gallery shows. I peruse directories like At-Edge, Workbook, and Found Folios. I love checking out PDN’s Annual listing of New and Emerging Photographers. I’ll even go back to the previous years’ listings to remind myself of the talent. 

Guest Post: Creative Consultant, Mara Serdans

Your Voice

When you have found your voice, you have context. Every time you do something, it now needs to be in line with your voice. 

When you are editing for your website, it needs to be in line with your voice. When you are selecting images for your email promo, it needs to be in line with your voice. Your voice will make you make sense to clients. When you make sense, you are remembered and when you are remembered… you get hired. 

Guest Post: Agency Access

The Photographer’s Survival Guide to Marketing

Portfolio Recommendations


What type of books do you recommend to photographers coming up in their careers that are both presentable and feasible?


This is a very relevant question for this time in our business because websites and social media are the new portfolios.

Currently, it is very rare that someone would ask you to come in and show your book, unless you go out of your way and make that happen. It’s something extra you can do. If you are going to show a “book” a printed book is the best way to go.