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What Andrea Looks for in a Photographer


Andrea, what do you look for in a photographer?


I look for a talented photographer and one that I feel I can help to bring out their very best. 20 years in this business has shown me that it is this dynamic that leads to jobs. This is what it means for me to represent a photographer. I represent them. They come up with who they are and I manage and shape the marketing strategy. 

I’m their voice to the larger world, so they have to be someone I feel proud to speak for. They must have solid talent or we won’t get very far. They also have to confidently know their creative talents because I will take that and run with it. Who they are and the quality of their portfolio shapes the direction and I just take that further.

Pros and Cons of Being Represented


What would you say are the pros and cons of being represented?


The pros and cons of being represented are really just about having the right rep for you. Say you are repped by someone your clients don’t know or respect and you also stop doing your own marketing, those would be cons. 

One pro of having the right rep is that they can get your work seen by the right clients. They also help you shape your marketing/direction/style and negotiate your bids. All of this really depends on what your market is. I have found that it is harder to rep a photographer who shoots just about everything vs a photographer who is known for one look.

What A Rep Needs From You

What a rep needs from you is something to say. Tests, new work, web content, a story, anything to give us something to share about you.

Multiple Reps


Can a photographer be represented by more than one rep, in different locations?


Yes, some photographers have east coast/west coast/midwest reps. I don’t agree with this for myself because I’ve worked hard to get to know clients everywhere. 


With the internet I am able to be in NY, Chicago, Portland and Europe as easily as I’m in Los Angeles. 

Just today I have been on calls with people in New York, Kansas City and Los Angeles. I emailed with the UK, Germany and a variety of clients across the US… The only reason to have different reps is if they cover different types of clients.

Looking for a New Photographer


What are you looking for in a new photographer?


Guest Post, Jorge Perez: I want a photographer who has a business sense. There are a lot of artists out there who create beautiful art, but if they do not have a mind for business they will not make it. 


I am looking for a partner in crime when it comes to their business. 


You have to be your own agent first, get yourself work. It’s a red flag to me if someone has been shooting for 25 years and has never had a rep. 

Guest Post: Jorge Perez, JP Reps

Seeking Representation


What’s the best way for a photographer seeking representation to reach you?


Guest Post, Jorge Perez: I prefer emails. But with that said, you need to be innovative.


You have to “cut through the clutter” . We get a million emails a day. If it’s a new photographer seeking representation – make the email short, personalize it, put the one best image that represents your work. 


Keep it short and quick. Even direct message me on Instagram. Think outside the box. 

Guest Post: Jorge Perez, JP Reps

The Right Photographer


Does a rep match a photographer to a project? I.e., does a rep evaluate whether a certain project is actually RIGHT for that photographer; their aesthetic, their vision, their desired projects?


No. Reps don’t have that much power. We are the negotiation voices for our photographers so we are asked to bid someone that they choose. I am sometimes asked to send them a photographer who would be good for their project, but they ultimately decide who they want to bid and then hire.

The Key To Getting More Out Of Your Rep



The key to getting more out of your rep is to supply them with fun new work. We are human! Excite us and we will run to the streets to show it off.

What Reps Look For


What are reps looking for?


Reps are looking for a photographer who will fit into their company and the clients they work with. 

We also look for people who will reinforce the branding of our companies and the photographers we already rep. Personally, I look to rep people I believe in, who I will enjoy collaborating with and that I can share in their vision.

Portfolios + Reps


What is considered a standard “book” for somebody seeking representation… is it a website? A physical book? Something else?


The standard book question does not have one absolute answer but it is good to have a website, an active Instagram presence, and a printed book. An iPad can be your portfolio although right now printed books are the hot item.