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Monday Q+A

Designing a Website


What are some things to keep in mind when designing a website, as a photographer?


Your website should look professionally designed and be easy to navigate. The site should immediately entice your visitor. This of who your audience is and use a web template like to speak their language.

Portfolios + Reps


What is considered a standard “book” for somebody seeking representation… is it a website? A physical book? Something else?


The standard book question does not have one absolute answer but it is good to have a website, an active Instagram presence, and a printed book. An iPad can be your portfolio although right now printed books are the hot item.

Reps’ Percentage


What kind of percentage do reps typically take?


25% of the photographer’s day rate or creative fee

Have an Amazing Creative Call


What is the key to having an amazing creative call? What will make you stand out above other photographers running for that job?


Great question because that Creative Call is the second reason you will get a job, the first being your portfolio. There is this really smart technique in psychotherapy where couples respond to each other by reflecting back what they hear. It makes the other person feel heard.


A creative call is like that. 

The creative had this imaginative idea and they want to know which photographer can make it real and bring it to life. They want to know that you grasp their vision and that you understand it. They also want to hear what you will be like to work with. Do you sound like someone who will bring a lot to this “party”? Use technical terms which incorporate the mood of what they want to shoot so you sound like you really know what you’re doing!

Successful as a Creative


What is the secret to being successful as a creative?


It is to be open to listening instead of being so busy with everything you already know.

Marketing Strategies


What kind of marketing strategies have you found to be successful as a photo agent?


This is a broad question. Strategies really depend on who the person is and what they are good at. I enjoy connecting with people so that is my strategy. If you are shy perhaps send out some work once you know which images your target audience likes. Or get really good at social media and networking online. Basically, the strategy needs to incorporate your best skills and then get your best work out there. How that is done depends on your skill set. What are you good at? Use that.

How to Become Represented


How can I become represented? It’s always been a dream to stand out and have reps on my side.


Get your book as strong as you can, find your specialty and build a cohesive portfolio. Find the reps that work in your industry and approach them with a personal and quick email. The quality of your work will speak for itself and doors will open. Just get your work out there once it’s ready!

The Importance of Treatments


I would like to hear about the importance of treatments. What is a treatment? Do photographers create their own treatment? What needs to go into it and what should it look like?


A great treatment is one of the 3 keys to getting the photographer the job. 1. Is the portfolio of course 2. Is the creative call and 3. Is the treatment. 


A treatment is a pdf full of all the info to show the creative how the photographer will approach the job. It will include samples of images, locations, talent, wardrobe, etc. 


Yes, photographers create their own treatment and I have to say, it’s like getting their teeth pulled. They are not writers and normally their portfolio speaks for them So this takes a sales type of showing off that photographers are uncomfortable with in general.

It needs to look slick and put together because the creative will read this to know what the photographer is bringing to the “party,” how they work, how they see this job, and how well they can deliver a packaged expression of their work.

Do What You’re Good At


My question is: I’m good at music photography and artist portraiture. I’d really like to just build up a high end portfolio in this field… but some of my friends and colleagues have told me that I cannot make money this way. What should I do? Should I expand my body of work to lifestyle, fashion, etc? Or just do what I love?


Do what you are good at. When doors open that is a sign that you are supposed to be there. Follow it. Don’t listen to people, as everyone was not meant to be a music and portrait photographer, there is a niche for that.