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Monday Q+A

Looking for a New Photographer


What are you looking for in a new photographer?


Guest Post, Jorge Perez: I want a photographer who has a business sense. There are a lot of artists out there who create beautiful art, but if they do not have a mind for business they will not make it. 


I am looking for a partner in crime when it comes to their business. 


You have to be your own agent first, get yourself work. It’s a red flag to me if someone has been shooting for 25 years and has never had a rep. 

Guest Post: Jorge Perez, JP Reps

Seeking Representation


What’s the best way for a photographer seeking representation to reach you?


Guest Post, Jorge Perez: I prefer emails. But with that said, you need to be innovative.


You have to “cut through the clutter” . We get a million emails a day. If it’s a new photographer seeking representation – make the email short, personalize it, put the one best image that represents your work. 


Keep it short and quick. Even direct message me on Instagram. Think outside the box. 

Guest Post: Jorge Perez, JP Reps

Appealing to Clients


Should I shoot portfolio work with the intention to appeal to certain kinds of clients?


Paul Barshon: If you love the subject matter, then why not!? For example if you love shooting hyper-realism, there are a lot of commercial clients who primarily use this kind of photography. So why not focus on shooting portfolio work that focuses on hyper realism? Again, though, shoot what you love. That will garner the attention you are after.

Contacting Brands for in House Marketing


How would I get in contact directly with brands for in house marketing? Who should I be looking for specifically and how can I find that person? Does Yodelist or Agency Access provide these contacts? Regarding Yodelist and Agency Access. Which do you use?


 In today’s market we now have so many more options of finding the right people. I would definitely suggest using Agency Access or Yodelist and then using all social media and LinkedIn. Look for creative (art director), art producer, or other terms that are a part of the marketing dept. Agency Access and Yodelist often do have those contacts. I have used both of these companies and they both seem to have solid information, sometimes one is better than the other.



What does “re-use” mean?


Re-use is when an image is purchased to be used beyond its original licensing agreement. If this amount was not agreed upon in the original bid, the client will ask for a new price to use the image again based on the new usage they want to purchase.

Selecting a Photographer


What factors make you want to put a particular photographer up for a job?


Guest Post Mara Serdans: There are a few factors that come into play when recommending a particular photographer for a job. First and foremost, the photographer’s style is paramount. It needs to sync up with the art director’s vision. His/her level of experience is also a consideration. Where a photographer is located sometimes comes into play although many photographers these days are open to working as a local in larger markets. Lastly, budget is a factor. The photographer needs to fall within the ballpark to be considered a contender. 

Guest Post: Creative Consultant, Mara Serdans

Finding Your Niche


I’m having trouble finding my place in this industry, do you have any advice for photographers who are still trying to find their voice and their niche?


Paul Barshon: …and that will take a while to find. I found that when I started shooting, I shot loads of different subjects and tried different styles. Eventually I started focusing in one direction without even realizing it. There is always something that we most enjoy shooting and when we focus on this and try different techniques to find our specific style, this can eventually lead you to a career!

Hallmarks of a Great Photographer (Part 2)


What are some hallmarks of a Great Photographer? (Part 2)


The second hallmark of a Great Photographer is:


That they are open to inspiration, they can see a photograph waiting to be taken…they don’t come to a shoot with a preconceived notion of what will happen. 


I have seen the most mundane situation made into an amazing photograph. We often go to huge lavish locations that cost over $10k a day to rent, but in the end we shoot in the basement of the service entrance or out in the parking lot against the curb of the street. You don’t need a perfect location to make a great picture. 

Guest Post: Producer, Will Taylor

Advice on Marketing Strategies


Can you give us some advice about what we should be doing with our social media, website and marketing strategy in general?


Guest Post, Art Producer: Social Media is very important these days, especially in the way clients are trying to reach their audiences. Hash-tagging can help to expand your discoverability, but of course it’s not the end all be all to becoming noticed. 

Your website should be clean and easy to navigate, while also showcasing recent work to show you are still actively working/generating personal projects. I enjoy physical promos as well, but find they are most valuable when they come from the artist themselves (i.e. From a meet and greet).

Marketing Yourself


I want to brand myself as a high profile portrait photographer. How and where can I market myself? Who would be my major potential client? How should I reach them?


As with all industries in the commercial world, the path to success is somewhat similar. Educate yourself about other high profile portrait photographers and analyze their clients and marketing methods. Research absolutely everywhere their work can be found and what tools they are utilizing. Agency Access? Yodelist? Lattis Social? At-Edge? Workbook? Who is your dream client? Do whatever you can to get in touch with them, be tenacious and persistent.