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Monday Q+A

Giving Clients Unlimited Usage


Recently I’ve lost a few bids because I haven’t given the client an unlimited license. Is this an industry trend? Are clients not paying usage anymore and/or are photographers not charging usage? In my bid, I gave the client all the usage that they asked for, but lost the bid to another photographer who just gave them an unlimited license.


Giving away image usage licensing rights for free gives up the critical framework that supports a career in photography. The only way to win this battle is to be the best photographer you can be. The better you become, the more clients will be forced to stick with photographers who charge for licensing rights. Those who give it away are on a lower playing field, mostly used when a client does not have a high-end specific style and can use a more general undefined look. The only way to not be undercut is to be the precise resource raising their business to that next level. Be the solution making them look even better for using you!

Marketing Personality Strengths


How do we market to our personality strengths & EQ (emotional intelligence) vs. our actual craft? How to market the soft skills I have in conjunction with the artistry skills.


Soft skills, as you call them, are how you build your marketing plan. These skills are what will get you in the door, invited back, and truthful feedback. How you shape selling your photography talents is by being yourself. Clients are humans who want to connect and know who you are. Clients may see the work of 50-100 photographers per day, so how do we stick in their minds? Show who you are in your marketing because that is half the story of what you are selling.

Newer Photographers on a Creative Call


If a newer photographer makes it to the creative call stage, how honest should they be about what they do and don’t know?


The short answer is: it depends. The full answer is: the process of bidding and getting on the creative call should have a well-strategized plan based on all the job’s specifics, your relationship with the client contacts, and your portfolio. We can never truly calculate the outcome, even when we think we get a clear read because of the chain of decision-makers. I highly recommend going to the rep of your choice and getting into a temp rep situation to help advise you on all the specifics which could affect losing or getting the job.

Decision Making of Selecting a Photographer


How much influence do art directors have in the decision making process of selecting a photographer for a project?


The decision-making process of selecting the photographer goes through many twists and turns, mostly involving the producer, creatives (art director/creative directors or designers), and the clients. The producers usually bring in the selection of photographers for the creatives to choose their top 3. The creatives will then inform the producer who is their top choice. Our goal is always to be the ‘recommend’ to the client, but ultimately, the client decides.

Social Media Analytics


Background to my Question: I have a client, they just won best social media in their industry in Canada, and they recently started using my images across their social media platforms coming into this new year. I want to reach out to more clients in this industry and I’d like to use this client as a case study in my deck… specifically I want to strengthen the case with their social media analytics (assuming the analytics are favourable).

Question: Is it couth to ask a client for their social media analytics in relation to the posts using my imagery in order to beef up my marketing decks?


The analytic results of your images proving the compelling quality of your photo skills are a respectable request. As much as it’s OK to ask, I don’t know many companies that would have that information handy or be allowed to give it out. The way to combat this dependence on the client is to research their social media followers, amount of engagement, and the success of their business before and after. You can include this data in your treatments as you’d be speaking your potential new client’s language.

Project Minimum


Hi Andrea! I have a question regarding one-sheets that maybe might be helpful for the community. Would you suggest including a project minimum? I’ve been getting a lot of requests for “rate cards” and I usually say it’s project dependent.


Photographer’s rates depend on the type of work you do. If you can simplify this request with a rate card, it would save you time. My goal as the agent is to save time by quickly finding out if we should continue this conversation by quoting a price range. I’ll say, “Our day rate fee for this would usually be somewhere between 4,000 – 10,000, depending on many factors like shot count, shot list, day count, the creative component of the images, and what the licensed usage rights are. What is your budget?” I find a price range to be the fastest way to get to the next step.

Major Bid + Huge Production


Hello! I have a question. My producer and I did a major bid for the product launch using many models, it involved a huge production of set building, and various teams for what they asked for. We ended up not getting the project, it was nothing that was asked of us as far as production, sets and look. Is there a way to approach the agency when bidding that allows us to be bidding the same job – apples for apples?


While we can’t predict or control the bidding process, we can ask every question to help us understand the production details. The key is to have an A+ producer and make sure you get on a creative call, as that is where we get our answers. The purpose of three-way bidding is to protect clients in a fair apple to apple comparison, so they are not overpaying. Our goal is to protect ourselves by understanding all the information, even when we may have to dig around to get that info.

Testing Rate


Hey there, I had a meeting today with a client that I would really like to work with. The meeting went great but they asked what my test rate is and I’m kind of at a loss. Any suggestions on pricing a test would be greatly appreciated.


A test rate usually falls within half of what the regular day rate can be for a client. The logic behind the test rate is how it does not include usage licensing fees. This principle is the same premise for how I price a pre-light day; always have the estimate read, “no usage included” next to this fee.

Spec Work


In the directing world, spec work is a way to break in. In photography, would you recommend photographing specific brands on spec to build your portfolio, or using no brands whatsoever?


In the photo world, clients want to see your overall style match their brand. Build your portfolio to show the look and feel your favorite clients cater to, and use this “spec” concept to incorporate the products your ideal clients will need to see. If you want to get beer campaigns, put in some cans or bottles and show off how your shiny condensation skills fit your cohesive vibe. Displaying the type of product is more important than the specific brand of the product.

Shared Usage Rights


Hey Andrea! I had a client come back after reading my contract that states “shared usage rights” so that I can use the photos and they can as well. But he came back saying they want to “all rights” but says he is okay if I use them for personal marketing/website. This company is small and I am not quite sure he knows what he is talking about. What should I do here/what is the correct way “rights” are normally discussed and used in a contract?


The client’s response sounds like they are assuming ownership of the copyright since they’d grant you usage of the images. First of all, always make sure to be clear that you own the copyright. That is the #1 rule for your contractual terms. If you agree to “work for hire” that means you would not own the copyright. One term I include on every estimate is, “Artist owns the copyright and retains self-promotion rights for all images and tearsheets of ads.”