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Giving Your Marketing Plan a Purpose

Marketing Outreach:

15-20% of our time and budget should be spent reaching out to BRING IN clients. Have a point, giving your outreach a purpose. The outreach cornerstone is about having something to say to make it work. New images/website/feed, new ideas, or recent experience brings a relatable interest point to reaching out.

Marketing outreach should account for 15 to 20 percent of our time and budget. This effort should be directed at both current clients, with whom we have a relationship and need to stay in touch, and potential clients we don’t yet know.

How do we do this effectively? I bet every rep out there would agree that we need to have a clear point, a relevant question, or a meaningful statement tailored to their work, their location, or their industry. Whether we’re commenting on Instagram, engaging on LinkedIn, emailing, or inviting someone to lunch, we should always have a clear objective.

Think about what you’re up to—how you’re growing your business, any new equipment you have, what you’re learning, or your recent experiences. Have something substantial to say and make sure to convey it to the person you’re reaching out to.

Success in the Photo Business Does Not happen by Sitting Around

Success in the photo business does not happen by sitting around waiting for the phone to ring. 

Step 1: Research ‘Marketing Strategy Planner’ options. (

Step 2: Construct your personalized skillset kit. 

Step 3: Put it into action with no holds barred.

Step 4: Rejection implies it’s time to maneuver your particular way in. 

Conclusion: not one required way to do this; find your way. 

Tenacity is important when it comes to achieving success. There is no rulebook or guidebook to follow, and the only guidebook that exists is what each individual has to offer. Each photographer should do things their own way and find their own paths to success. We provide a marketing strategy planner on, but we emphasize that individuals should find their own ways and not be discouraged by closed doors or rejection.

– Tenacity is important for success in the photography industry

– There is no concrete rulebook or guidebook to follow

– Each individual must find their own path to success

– Don’t be discouraged by closed doors or rejection

Marketing and Business Challenges


I was a wedding photographer and then got into commercial photography. The challenge was having a wedding-forward website in the commercial world. I worked with a rep company for the website edit, which looked beautiful, but I was told to switch to a standard industry website for easier navigation. Since then, I’ve lost massive business, and my traffic and SEO rankings have dropped severely. Because of this, I want to put headshots and wedding work back on my site and listen to myself instead of someone else.


I get it. Feedback for photographers is not easy to come by. We seek out what is available to us, hoping for directional cues. We are running our businesses, which entails a long-term goal awareness guiding the ship. Every decision we make should have our future business plan in mind, which is the part of ourselves we need to listen to. Our direction needs to be clear as we are in a situation to grab all the paid opportunities as they come in, often becoming our future showpiece.

Don’t Be Too Busy To Focus On Your Long-Term Career Intentions

Don’t be too busy to focus on your long-term career intentions. Our freelance industry is distracting and zooms by quickly; we could wake up and feel shocked that we let time get away from us. Spend at least one-third of daily busyness aiming at the desired career path. 

Don’t be too busy for your career, especially for those in the freelancing industry. Freelancers may feel that they have the luxury of not working on days when they are not on set or in the office, but this is not true. Freelancers must be accountable and keep themselves on track by setting goals, scheduling their time, and mapping out how they will achieve their goals. They must make the most of their time, working towards their office goals every day, whether they are working or not. Be disciplined and stick to a schedule in order to succeed in this fast-paced industry.

Marketing Budget Formula


How should I spend my marketing budget this year?

I have two options:

1) I have a listing agent who reaches out to specific clients.

2) I can do online or in-person portfolio reviews.

Neither one is cheap, but I can commit to doing at least one of them this year, and would like to, as I’m trying to land at least one more corporate or ad client this year. I’m also hoping to expand my reach, and not always be hired locally/regionally.


SternRep’s Marketing Budget Formula is the overall breakdown of the available imagery placed in all potential places attracting the attention of potential clients.

We call this combo- InReach and OutReach; working in tandem. Our marketing budget covers our time and hiring help in all areas, used to gain insightful feedback on what works.


Step one – updating quick + easy landing spots (website, IG + BeHance) for clients to see/find the work.

Step two – consistent content creation show-pieces for LinkedIn posts, promos, portfolio pdf, IG Reels, articles/blogs for SEO, etc., all drawing traffic to landing spots.


Step one – personal and mass engaging on all platforms generated by the timely content we have to show.

Step two – setting up reviews/meetings/showings/calls taking the connection a step further.

Step three – follow-up across all mediums on a well-scheduled system.

Rep’s and Marketing


I know an artist rep who pays for his photographer’s marketing. My rep is a company where I pay a monthly fee while still paying them the same 25% of each job. How do I know what percentage is accurate with this different type of representation company?


The rep/agent/marketing company configurations are more diverse due to the increase of photographers in our industry, each with different fee structures, making it challenging to compare. We have reps, marketing companies, and networking promotional directories removing the easy comparison of who does what and how much to pay. I’ve even opened a wing called Temp Rep due to the large number of photographers needing bidding representation. Which platform(s) best fit your client base awareness while fitting into your annual salary percentage allotted for marketing? My rule on this is -the expense should eventually pay for itself. The simple answer is to pay for what works for you. 

Beauty Photography Business


I’m trying to get into the beauty photography business by going for smaller brands in my local area, but I’m finding it very hard to create leverage in this industry. I’ve tried email marketing, and sometimes their PR domains are blocked. Instagram messages think I want to “collab” with them. I’m unsure how to start networking with consumer package companies. What do you recommend I can do to be seen by commercial clients?


We all face similar challenges to get in front of potential clients, as described here, no matter which area of photography we focus on. Of course, it begins with a strongly branded portfolio showing you off quickly and succinctly. After that, it’s a potluck of strategic moves knowing which you are getting done and which need more attention.

Check out my Marketing Strategy Planner on “Downloads” – where I map out all the potential ways I use to rep photographers to the appropriate clients. Pick a few favorites on my pyramid chart and see what works for you. 

Marketing Plans


I send quarterly newsletters, and some keep me on their radars, but at the same time, I always feel like I’m leaving something on the table by not directly engaging with whoever opens the email. What’s the best way to send that email? Do I go direct and say, “Hey, I noticed that you enjoyed my promo, so can we set up a meeting in the future to say hello?” Do we send a follow-up to put a face to the name? I don’t want to be weird and pushy because they know I want to work with them. This outreach is tough for me, and any advice would be great!


The mistake in our Marketing Plans is to think it’s over once we reach out. That is when engaging clients with our brand begins; we open the door, growing a state of ongoing continuous awareness. With that in mind, you find any sign of response from who clicked, following analytics to see which agency is looking at your site and who liked your IG to put yourself out there in a genuine human-to-human connection. Be yourself and take them to lunch, share your response on their IG Story and LinkedIn posts, and join them where they are. You are right; they know you want to work with them, so be the spam caller with whom you wouldn’t hang up on by keeping it real.

Marketing Misconception

A Marketing Misconception is to think of self-promotion material as needing to be new unseen work. Not true. 

Self-promotion means utilizing your branded portfolio style to catch the attention of YOUR client market. 

A marketing misconception that could be hindering us is the idea that we can only showcase new, recently shot, unseen images. That’s not true. Self-promotion is about utilizing the branded style of our portfolio to catch the attention of our target market.

So, how do we present images we’ve already shown? Consider introducing a new theme, category, or reframing the existing group of images. Perhaps you present them in a more editorial, artistic, or personal context than before. For example, you could organize them by seasons like summer or fall/winter to show old images in a new way.

Find a way to reframe what you’re showcasing because the goal of our marketing is to encourage clients to dive deeply into our existing portfolio—whether on our website or Instagram feed. Utilize what we already have to get them to explore further.

An Email Promo Mistake

#1 mistake with email promos is thinking clients will take the extra step to see more. 

Our human tendency is to rush to delete emails. It almost brings us joy to delete. Don’t fall into this trap by wasting the top of your email with space or your logo. Immediately show the goods, making your point even if it’s deleted without a scroll to see more.

The number one mistake with email promos is assuming that clients will scroll past the big logo at the top. Instead, place the main content—the meat and potatoes—of your email promo right at the top.

The goal is to make your email fast, straightforward, and engaging. People tend to delete emails quickly to clear their inbox, so make sure your key message is visible immediately. Capture their attention right away to encourage them to scroll down and see more.