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Permission Before Sending Out Promos


Can you include buyers and reps in your email list or do you have to ask for their permission before sending out promos?


It’s usually better to ask for forgiveness than permission. It depends on the type of work you shoot, but in the commercial advertising world we send out promos regularly to client’s business email addresses. My theory for marketing is to throw the pasta against the wall and see what sticks. Personally, I receive lots of promos and emails that I didn’t sign up for and I don’t mind at all.

Best Sales Method Is To Compliment People

Best sales method is to compliment people

(and mean it). 


This post is not just about compliments, but using the same method, the best sales method, to work through your conflicts in business. Be a really nice, kind person, talk it though and be honest. If you have a conflict with a client talk it over with them. Tell them your situation and how you landed there and what do they think. Bring them in on it. They’re not your adversary, you work with them and you’re a team player.

Quickest Way to Get Your Email Deleted

The quickest way to get your marketing email deleted is to show all the other cc’d names in your mass email. 

Emails are our basic way of communicating nowadays but mass email or any kind of spam will be deleted by the recipient. If you make it sound like your email was sent to a bunch of people and not to that person, we would bet 99% of people are going to delete it. Write to specific people. If you do have to do a mass email, make sure you blind copy them. Try to use their name and personalize as much as possible.

A Cohesive Look


I love photographing kids, architecture, urban environments, and candid images… Is it a requirement to focus on a specific niche as a photographer?


This does depend on what industry you are in, but for commercial photography, an advance prior to the start of the shoot is especially important if it is with a new client. I would not begin a shoot without an advance for 50% of the total or 75% of the expenses.

Cold Emailing Clients


When cold emailing clients you’d like to work with, is it a good or bad idea to include an image or attachment of your work in the email? What are some things to avoid when cold emailing?


Good or bad is not totally relevant in our world of marketing because to market your branding may be very different from what other photographers do. Try everything and see what sticks. Some companies block emails with images, most people do not open attachments for their safety, and others prefer just a link to click it. Try it all!

Top 10 Secrets to Success



  1. Create a cohesive body of work with a consistent look. Know who you are as a photographer. 

  2. Know your niche + know your market. Who are your clients?

  3. Market yourself. Consistently + tenaciously, and in a way that is aligned with your brand and goals. 

  4. Know what you’re good at and delegate what you’d rather not to.

  5. Ask for help. There’s no shame in needing help or asking for it.

  6. Be a good business person. Manage your time with discipline based on your priorities.

  7. TEST outside your box. Be hungry. Hustle. Stay fresh with the times.  Your portfolio should not just be the jobs you have shot , it should be the jobs you want to shoot.

  8. Social Media. In this day and age, as a professional photographer, being on Instagram is a MUST. And know, it has become the new portfolio. Most of your images need to be professional, while a sprinkling of behind-the-scenes personal images can complement your brand. (But no drunken Taco Tuesday photos!)

  9. Money. Know how  to negotiate or have a rep help you.

  10. Enjoy it!



POST CONSISTENTLY. Post consistently. Post consistently. Did I say post consistently yet?

Post consistently.

Following Agencies


If agencies are “following” you, what, if anything, would you recommend doing?


If agencies are following you on Instagram – be proactive and engage them. Follow that hot lead and make the most of it by engaging them on social media, contact them on LinkedIn, and get them on your promo list. Use them ‘following’ you as a way to get your foot in the door!!

Advice on Cold Emailing


What are some things to avoid when cold emailing?


I’d say the most important part of a cold email is not to sound cold. Don’t have it sound like a mass email. Be as personable as possible. Mention something they personally may be interested in. And spell their name correctly.

Less Is More

Less is more. The clients’ imagination is our strongest selling point