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Representation + Marketing


I’ve heard from several people in the business that you don’t need representation unless you are too busy to book and manage the business yourself. How true is this?


Most photographers would do better having a rep’s overall support. Some types of photographers may do well on their own if they handle their own social media marketing. If you have the skills that a full-time rep would bring to your business, then you can always do it on your own, but if you aren’t the best negotiator then the bottom-line question is, would a rep protect and negotiate higher fees for you?

Printed Promos During Covid


How do you feel about print promos right now? With many people working outside the office, it seems unlikely they will actually see them now.


Mailing printed promos would be a waste of your money right now since our clients are not in their offices. I use printed promos as leave-behinds at showings as well, since those aren’t happening I’d suggest not printing anything right now. Use your marketing budget on email promos and ways of engaging on Instagram.

Reposting Images to Social Media


Has anyone else been asked to allow a business to repost their image on their business IG? I don’t want companies to solely rely on User Generated Content because then they may not hire many photogs.


Yes, we do get this request often. I leave it up to the photographers because there is a plus and a minus to this. I really see the negative to doing this on a regular basis but perhaps once with each company can be a marketing plan to have that company know of you. When doing this, use it for your own resharing purposes and get the most out of it for that one post. Get their info and have a discussion with them to hopefully lead to more client contact info that can really help you down the line.

Marketing + Production in the Time of COVID // Navigating the Unknown Episode 5

Navigating the Unknown Episode 5 is now live on YouTube! This week we speak to Senior Art Producer Clarissa Garrett and Senior Producer Sandra Sanchez about deciphering and designing marketing and production in the time of COVID. 


Clarissa Garrett – Senior Art Producer, 72andSunny

Sandra Sanchez – Senior Producer, FCB Chicago

Navigating the Unknown is a Q&A series in collaboration with APA-LA where we speak to different members of the photo community about all aspects of the commercial photography business.

With Co-Host: Photographer Hugh Kretschmer

Local Photographers


I was living in Brooklyn when all of this hit. Now I’m considering leaving the city and going upstate or to the suburbs. Do you feel that would hurt my work opportunities? I’ve heard a few talks saying that life and business will slow. Would you find living in NYC proper to still be as important as it was before?


It’s hard to know this answer for sure, but I am hearing the word “local” come up often nowadays. More local photographers will be used because of travel restrictions. A suburb of NYC is not far, and even if you go upstate, the main goal is for you to stay actively present with fresh work alongside a regular marketing presence.

Creating Opportunities


That “stewing” you’re talking about, is that only with current clients or is there room for new?


I’m so fixated on my “stewing” metaphor for what is happening right now so thank you for asking this. We have this wild opportunity to create solutions alongside our clients. The lid is open to build this brand-new outcome together, with new or current clients. All are welcome as this will take a lot of cooks to figure out how to proceed.

Email Promos


Are email promos welcome? Must they mention the pandemic or be relevant to it?


Email promos are welcome right now, maybe even more than ever because people are home at their computers. The images don’t have to be relevant but you may waste the release of an image now since it won’t be used soon. Show an image with the goal to draw clients to your website. To not mention the pandemic now would be insensitive and could even be hurtful. The definition of “too salesy” would be to ignore what your audience is experiencing. Good sale is to know your audience and see it through their eyes.

Finding Photographers on Instagram


Do you ever find photographers or directors on Instagram?


Word of mouth tends to be the way I find people. It’s still pretty hard to find a photographer through random searching although there are always exceptions, of course. My advice is to try to get clients’ attention in every way possible, including targeted ads on social media, snail mail and email promos, setting up meetings, etc. 

Guest Post: Creative/Art Director
Dave Gassman

Getting More Work


How would you advise a photographer about how to get more work?


Focus specifically on the client/industry with which you most want to be working and shape your portfolio around that market. Start with one area and master it. Then you can expand and grow…

Instagram as a Marketing Tool


How do you feel about using Instagram Stories as a marketing tool?


Insta Stores are EVERYTHING. It’s a new way to market yourself that is available to everyone and completely free. According to research, on average 80% of users ‘Forward Tap’ through Instagram Stories rather than ‘Exit,’ proving how effective they can be.