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How Photographers Handle Filming Video On Shoots

How do photographers handle filming video on shoots?

I’m just so used to just focusing on shooting photography on a set. Just stills, no video. My assistant usually shoots BTS videos on shoots, but that’s it. Are we supposed to hire someone to shoot video separately, and charge for it?

As the agent, I’m going to answer this from the perspective of getting you the most bang for your buck. Many shoots do need you to be the overall DIRECTOR.

1. Be ready, technically speaking, to fulfill most potential job scenarios that come your way.

2. Choose the method (hire a DP, be the DP yourself, or focus on being the still photographer on motion sets) that delivers the highest quality of results in your specialized market.

3. Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold back your professional growth. Make sure to capitalize on pushing yourself to bring out the highest quality skill set you can muster!

Charging For Every Additional Shot Taken vs. A Grouping Of Images

Is it standard to charge for every additional shot taken rather than a grouping of images? I’m trying to avoid wasting time with the “just shoot these extra options” and clients not selecting those images.

Clients will ask for and take as many images as we let them, and I don’t blame them for that. It’s their job. We must clarify by setting financial restrictions on our estimate before we get on set. When bidding, my first question is how many images are needed, and then I set up the estimate precisely around that. When I hear “library” of images, meaning as many as can be finished per-day, I set the fees higher for those shoot days.

The SHOT COUNT Should Not Get Downplayed As The Extra Detail Of Your Fee

Why does the SHOT COUNT often get downplayed as the EXTRA detail of your fee? No, don’t give away free images! The shot count is one of the cornerstones of your rate. The best way to handle this is to break out the usage per shot in your fees, but often, clients prefer a day rate to include it all. However you set up your fee structure, remember the shot count is not some tiny additional detail as clients may suggest.

How To Use Estimates To Our Advantage

I know we all want to send correct estimates, but sometimes, not knowing all of the detailed bid info, I see the opportunity to get one more round of feedback after I submit the estimate. I use it to my advantage.

Learn More About the Budget Before Making Your Estimate


It’s wild how many bidding requests we get from random clients that don’t even pertain to us. We must find out the budget before we waste our time. Even though that is the exact info clients usually refuse to give us, we have to push through by asking if their budget is between certain amounts. That type of “yes/no” question usually sparks a client to respond if it’s over what they have available to spend. Give it a try.

Do not waste your time doing estimates you don’t need to do. Photographers should avoid wasting time on estimates and calculations for clients who may not have the budget for their services. Instead, photographers should ask for a budget range upfront, so they can quickly determine if the client’s budget aligns with their own rates. By doing this, photographers can avoid spending time on clients who cannot afford their services and focus on those who can. Self-employed photographers need to be mindful of their time and avoid wasting it on unproductive activities.

What Key Term Should You Be Putting on Your Estimate?

An estimate term that should be on the top of all bids:  “Estimate is valid for 15 days from date of issue.” Don’t get stuck with prices that are no longer accurate. 

The validity of an estimate for music services is only for 15 days from the date of issue. The pricing mentioned in the estimate cannot be regarded as valid for a year since prices can change due to various reasons. For example, if a client has a hold on a particular stylist and talent and they come in after three weeks, the prices might not be the same, and the people on hold might not be available. The estimate’s validity is crucial since there are many elements at play, and clients need to be aware of the timeline.

How Specialty Impacts Commercial Photography Creative Fees

What is your specialty? One CREATIVE FEE component that may get overlooked in fee formula calculations is how much the client needs you for this campaign. The specialization you bring to a project goes a long way, and you should be paid for it. 

When setting a creative fee for a project, it is important to consider how specific and unique your creative skills are to that particular project. This can involve evaluating whether your look or style matches the needs of the project better than others and whether your particular skills and experience make you the best fit for the job. By taking into account these factors, you can justify charging a higher creative fee for your work.

Retouching Rates Can Be Ambiguous, Protect Yourself By Making It a Day Rate

Retouching rates leave ambiguity when it’s based on per image, so one way to protect your time spent is to make it a day rate. As you track your time, the client can be aware of the image(s) progression and even try to speed it along, helping them achieve more out of that 10-hour day they are paying.

When pricing retouching fees, it is important to be careful as clients and photographers may have different interpretations of what is being done, what is being supplied, and how many revisions are allowed. Feedback can become intense if not priced accordingly. One way to handle this is to charge a day rate for one 10-hour day, based on time instead of production level or the number of images. This makes it more about the retoucher’s time rather than the amount of images being worked on.

Refusing to Sign an Estimate


When you tell us always to provide an estimate, what if they refuse to sign your estimate, saying legal will only allow them to work off their agreement? How do we respond to cover ourselves?


The norm is for larger clients and ad agencies NOT to sign our estimates/bids/contracts as their legal department controls the company decisions. We cover ourselves by carefully reading through their SOW (statement of work) agreement, not signing any terms contradicting our arranged policies. Our estimates still protect us if it comes down to a legal matter, so use the protection terms wisely as our backup.

Photographers’ Overtime Rates

Photographers’ overtime rates (after 10 hrs) are charges I was only using for the crew. Now I’m seeing some clients approve this as a normal request. I’m changing my bidding plan to include OT rate information (10-12 hrs= 1.5x hourly rate, after 12 hrs= 2x hourly rate) on every estimate.

The topic of whether photographers should charge overtime for themselves, not just their crew, is a new and uncertain area for many photographers. We put the question out to our Facebook group and received a variety of responses from different clients and photographers. Despite the differing opinions, we suggest that photographers should try to include overtime in their estimates and see if clients are willing to accept it.