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Implement Your Personal Style When Your Work Is Art-Directed By Clients

How can a photographer implement their personal style and vision throughout their work when the majority of their work has been art-directed by their client for various and specific styles?

This could be the million-dollar question that makes or breaks a photographer’s success. As busy as a photographer is, the images will always reflect a client’s vision of jobs from the past. So much of what clients want to see is what you can bring to the job for the future. The magical word is “Test.” Keep testing, no matter how busy you are. Bring your personal look into images and show who you are. 

Photography Is Not Just About Taking Pictures, You Must Also Be Easily Found

Image-making feels like the center of the world as, of course, it has to be your pinnacle point of focus. But then there is more – the ongoing process to be findable. Clients are showing you off to their clients, meaning you must be easily found/searchable with a timely, systematic structure to your presentation. If we skip the importance of step two, we will be climbing a constant uphill battle for success.

The dual nature of photography is both an artistic endeavor and a practical business. While the creative process is consuming and deeply personal for photographers, they must also recognize the importance of marketing their work effectively. Potential clients often face overwhelming choices and need quick access to the photographer’s portfolio to make informed decisions. Therefore, photographers must ensure that their images are easily accessible and showcase their work in a way that resonates with both their clients and the end users. This balance between artistry and practicality is crucial for success in the competitive photography market.

Photographers have to not only hone their craft but also be strategic in how they market and present their work. The creative process is undeniably valuable, but it cannot exist in a vacuum. Photographers must adapt to the realities of a competitive market where ease of access and effective communication of their capabilities can make all the difference in their success. By embracing both the art and the business sides of photography, they can create a sustainable career that resonates with clients and stands out in a crowded field.

Staying On Brand While Constantly Reinventing Ourselves

Wait, so on one hand, we’re supposed to stick to shooting what we love rather than trying to chase trends, but on the other hand, we have to keep reinventing ourselves?

I know this is a tricky situation that all photographers face to stay fresh in our business. Reinventing means growth, and that growth happens within your own style. Some ways to do this include diversifying the look of the talent, adding props, changing up the location, etc. Expand to constantly push yourself while staying within the cohesive feeling of your portfolio. 

What’s The Best Way To Get New Work In Front Of The Right Audience?

Once you do a test shoot, what is the best way to get this new work in front of the right audience?

As a rep, this is one of my favorite topics because this is the purpose of testing. Reps and consultants’ goals are all about shaping the long-road path. I call this- “growing forward.” Every test should have a client in mind, and with that comes the OUTREACH follow-through to share the images with the appropriate “warm” and “cold” potential clients. Outreach happens on all platforms, including personalized communication, to upgrade clients to a warmer level than where they are now. You want to be good enough to be on their list when that specific type of project comes up. This is either a monotonous process or a fine-tuned, distinct, mapped-out marketing plan.

Photographers of All Ages Must Embrace Continuous Reinvention for Career Success

As a photographer’s career progresses they must continue to reinvent themselves. A photographer must explore and grow to show what they can bring to the job. This is a young-person’s career unless photographers of every age commit to staying hungry for fresh inspiration and new ways to communicate their vision.

Stay Strong In Your Style

Stay strong in your style. Don’t compromise your voice to be everything to everyone or you will get lost in the mix. It is your unique vision and execution which will set you apart from the pack and get you the job!

The Key To Getting More Out of Your MARKETING

The key to getting more out of your MARKETING is to constantly add new work to your portfolio. Give your marketing plan what it needs to get you where you want to go!

I Want My Portfolio To Feel More Like Me


I want my portfolio to feel more like me, but it keeps looking like the companies who hire me. I know this is holding me back, but I don’t know how to change this constant process of jobs feeding my portfolio.


Photographers, step one leads to step two. Even those who begin with a clear personalized style path will someday have to balance it to keep the long-term goal in line. The more routine we become, the less artistically inspired it gets. If photographers aren’t testing, the shorter our careers can become. Sorry, cold, hard fact. 

Producer vs. Photographer


I’m a freelance photographer who recently took an in-house photo producer job because my area’s industry has been slow, and I need a steady income to get back on my feet. Did I just set my photo career back by taking a temporary in-house producer job? In the future, will clients hire me as a freelance photographer again after they may see me as a producer?


The plain and simple answer across the board is dependent on your branding, which is dependent on two sticking points:

  • Will you be branding yourself correctly for clients to consider you when looking for a photographer?
  • Will your photo portfolio be strong enough to impress clients?