Leverage Client Accolades To Get More Exposure
March 14, 2022

How do I leverage this abundance of accolades and high end client work to get more exposure? My past mailers and hand curated marketing promos have yielded a 3% response rate, and I must say I’m a bit frustrated.
Emails, in general, seem to be a dying breed pushing us to figure out new ways to be in touch. They are no longer the one dependable marketing tool as they now serve one piece of the promotional pie.
You know I’m all about Instagram, so that is my first suggestion, but of course, we still need to push those promos out.
Email promo material should go out in two separate ways, which will, in turn, support each other:
- Mass email lists will have a lower response rate because they are a larger list of unknown clients but provide us with solid marketing open/click data.
- Smaller fine-tuned lists built around those we know, and those who open/click the larger mass emails will get better traction.