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Finding Your Strengths And Weakness In Your Marketing Plan

May 22, 2024

As business owners, we must get our Marketing Plan in place to direct all the potential areas we should spend our time and budget on. Know all available options for crystal clear analysis of what is working, what to try, and what needs our attention. You are a business, so have a plan.

We hear a lot about marketing budgets, and yes, they’re important, but even more crucial is having a marketing plan. That plan needs to adapt, shift, and constantly change with the times. The one constant truth about our business is that it’s always evolving, so we have to stay on top of that. I suggest checking in with your marketing efforts about four times a year or so.

Look at what you’re learning from your Google Analytics, SEO, and methods for getting email promos out there—it’s really challenging. Consider the effectiveness of sites like LinkedIn and Instagram, and whether you’re engaging and connecting with people. All of these aspects are part of your marketing plan.

Also, know what you are best at. Is it presenting to clients one-on-one in person, or is it sending them a printed portfolio? Whatever your strength is, master it, and then make sure to analyze and refine all the other parts of your marketing plan. Stay proactive and keep evolving your strategies.