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Long Lasting Career

November 30, 2022

Photographers, if you are like me, you want this career to last long and not be a one-trick pony blip on your path. 

As important as your work may seem, that fades. Bring the deeply satisfying joy into your career now; that is the road to stay on. 

I have a personal insight to share with you, and maybe you can relate. The more I’ve been in this job—over 25 years now—the more I realize how much I love it and how passionate I am about being a rep, both in this role and in social media. However, as I grow older, I also see that life is bigger than just my job and career. Other things in life are more significant.

So, how do I navigate this? I find that by continually shifting my career to include what I love—like working with certain photographers, building meaningful client relationships, and engaging with you—I feed my passion and maintain my excitement. If I didn’t truly love it, I don’t think I could keep doing it. My advice is to keep loving what you do and direct your career in a way that allows you to stay passionate about it.