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The Final Stage of The Treatment

November 10, 2021

The final stage of the treatment is where I find it easy to add in spots, sneaking in and dropping descriptive adjectives to modify our point wherever we can use an adjective to ‘bring it home.’

Example to show AUTHENTICITY:

“We will be using natural light to bring about the real-life/pure/true/convincing feeling that these are actual people and not models.”

I want to share what I do when I receive a treatment from a photographer before we send it in. I review it carefully to find places where they describe the location, casting, and talent. I look for opportunities to enhance these descriptions by using specific adjectives and words that align with the client’s preferences. For example, if the client wants an authentic shoot with the talent in real moments, I consult a thesaurus for synonyms of “authentic,” such as “pure,” “reliable,” “true,” “trustworthy,” “credible,” and “convincing.” These words help describe how we will find the perfect location, even if it’s not perfect but rather credible or convincing. Pay attention to the words used on the call and in the creative deck. Use those terms specifically and reflect back what the client wants to hear.