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It Is Our Responsibility to Set the Boundaries

February 12, 2020

Make sure everything about your estimate and your production considers what you are covering and what you are not covering. It is our responsibility to set these boundaries, not the client’s.

When you’re on set and they want more content, how do you handle that?

The best way to handle it is to prepare for it on your estimate. You should have a blanket statement in your emails and your estimate that says, “ This bid is based on the information we have so far and any changes may incur new costs or overages.” Make sure every topic that is even generally touched on is included in the bid. 

Let’s say you didn’t have it in your bid, you would talk to your rep. But if you don’t have a rep, you explain the situation to them. “You didn’t mention that, so I didn’t include that in the bid. Did you want a price for that?” I like to turn things into questions so if they request something that you don’t have you would ask them if they would like that included and, “I can get you a price for that.”